Friday, July 24, 2020

Lace knitting project 2018 Lace Stitch 12

Lace knitting project 2018  Lace Stitch 12


Multiple of 11 + 3

Row 1: k 5, sm, * P 3, sl 1 knit wise, p 3, k 1, yo, k 2 tog.,  k 1*. end repeat with p 3, sm, k 4

Rows 2: k 4, sm, k 3, * P 4, k 3, p1, k 3 *. sm, k 5

Row 3: k 5, sm, * P 3, with yarn in back, sl 1, P 3, k 1, sl 1, k 1, psso, yo, k1* end last repeat with p 3, k 4.

Row 4: k 4, sm, k 3, * P 4, k 3, p1, k 3 *. sm, k 5

Repeat rows 1 to 4  three times total.

Knit 5 rows.

Remove markers on last  row.

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  At My House April 2022 Pattern of the Month Crochet Lily of the Valley Doily Pattern Materials Required: AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY ...