Thursday, April 18, 2013


LOOPY HAIR SCRUNCHIE @ 2000by Cathy Hansen


Begin by stringing about 80 pony beads onto the yarn.

First round:  Work enough sc around an elastic hair tie to cover the tie (about 30 to 40 sc, depending on thickness of yarn); join with sl st to first sc.

Round 2:  Ch 1, sc in back loop of first sc, *ch 7, slip a bead up next to the hook, ch 7 (on opposite side of bead), sc in back loop of next sc.*  Repeat from * to *  until end of round; sl st in first sc; ch 1, turn.

Round 3:  Sc in back loop of next sc (the loop remaining unworked from first round), *ch 7, slip a bead up next to the hook, ch 7 (on opposite side of bead), sc in back loop of next sc.*  Repeat from * to * until end of round, sl st in first sc.  End off and weave in loose ends.


I've found that this pattern works best with lighter-weight yarns.  I also like to use Sugar & Cream sport weight crochet cotton.  You could also do variations of this pattern by working more or less single crochet on each side of the bead, using different types of beads, substituting a picot for the bead, etc.  You can even do it with just loops.

One of my favorites is to use pastel ombre yarn and string fun shaped pastel colored plastic beads (butterflies, bows, teddy bears, etc.).  They're great for kids!

Up until recently, I also used two hair elastics for my scrunchies - it seems like when I used just one, they used to fall apart!  Now, however, I've found hair elastics with no metal connector - just continuous elastic, so I've switched to them and have been able
to use just one.

This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted. It is for your personal use only.



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