Saturday, October 6, 2018

SUN, SEA AND SAND machine knit pattern



For machine knitters


Maggie Andrews
 I would like to thank Maggie Andrews for the donation of this knitting machine pattern.


SIZES TO SUIT:-CHEST 51, 56, 61, 66, 71 CM. 22, 24. 26. 28. 30 INS.

MACHINE Silver Reed 840 with SRP 60 ribber

YARN Yeoman Play  Blue [Shade 3] = C1   White [Shade 2] = C2

SIZES to suit chest     51        56        61        66        71 cms

                                    20        22        24        26        28 ins

TENSION Main tension 30 sts and 40 rs to 10 cm over st st

Fine 4 ply td approx 7 = mt   

PATTERN NOTES The first number given for rs and sts is for first size, the numbers for larger sizes follow. Where only one number is given it applies to all sizes. When working pattern with hp don’t forget to wrap yarn around inside n in hp.

BACK. With C1 cast on 1 x 1 rib                  88        96        104      112      120  sts

mt-3/mt-3 k 22 rs. Trans rb sts to mb, rc000, mt, car, k 2 rs. Set machine to hold.

Centre triangle. * Push n nearest carr to hp, k 1 r. *  Repeat * to * until only 2 ns [n1 at both sides of “o”] in wp.   Push last 2 wp ns to hp, cut C1, take carr to left, join in C2,

Left side.  Set rc to 002. ** Push n nearest carr to uwp, k 2 rs.**                                                    ** Repeat ** to * *  to rc       62        74        84        92        100

Hang marker at side edge for armhole,  continue ** to ** until 1 n at left of “0” and all ns at right of “0” are left in hp.      Cut yarn, push all ns to hp, take carr to right, rejoin C2.

Right side. Set rc to 002. ** Push n nearest carr to uwp, k 2 rs.**                                                   ** Repeat ** to * *  to rc       62        74        84        92        100

Hang marker at side edge for armhole,  continue ** to ** until 1 n at right of  “0” and all ns at left of “0” are left in hp.                            

Cancel hold, *** k to rc                           114            128      142      152      164 

Shape shoulders. Set machine to hold.

Put to hp at opp end to carr on ev r                9          10        11        9          10  ns

                                                                        6          6          6          8          8   times

k 1 r over all ns, mark centre, kwy.


Work as back to ***, k to rc                                      96        106      120      126      138

Shape neck. Set machine to hold. Put to hold centre            10        12        14        16        16  ns

and all ns at left of “0”, k 1 r.

Push to hp at neck edge 1 n ev r 12 times, k to rc     115      129      143      153      165

Shape shoulder. Put to hp at opp end to carr on alt r 9          10        11        9          10 ns

                                                                                    3          3          3          4          4  times

k 1 r over all shoulder ns, kwy.

Work other side of neck to match. Pick up               10        13        13        18        18  sts

from straight side of neck on both sides of hp ns and k 1 r over all ns, kwy.

SLEEVE. [2] Cast on 1 x 1  rib                     66        70        72        74        80  sts

mt-3/mt-3 k 12 rs. Trans rb sts to mb, rc000, mt

Work st st, inc 1 st ea end first and ev foll alt r to    78        82        88        90        96  sts

k to rc                                                                          12        16        16        24        24

Shape top. Set machine to hold.

Put to hold at opp end to carr on next 10rs                5          5          5          6          6  ns

k 1 r over all ns, mark centre, cast off.


Pin all pieces out to size, spray with cold water or cover with a wet towel and leave to dry before removing pins.

NECKBAND.  First join one shoulder on the machine. With right side facing pick up sts of one back shoulder onto                                              27        30        33        36        40  ns

With wrong side facing, pick up sts of same front shoulder onto same ns, mt+1, k 1 r. Cast off.

Bring to wp for 1 x 1 rib                                            88        98        102      116      116 ns

With my, mt-3/mt-3, k zig zag r. Do not k any circ rs, k 22 rs. Trans rb sts to mb, mt, k 1 r.

With wrong side facing pick up sts around neck on wy onto same ns, mt+1, k 1 r.

Cast off very loosely by knitting the next row by hand pulling the ns back to nwp. Then pull work forward to bring ns back to wp and latch or link off.

Join other shoulder on the machine. Join neckband seam. Fold neckband in half to inside and catch down very loosely. [This neckband should pass over your own head]

The imitation Intarsia design for this T shirt is adapted from one of the ideas in Maggie’s book “Easy Intarsia”.  This book shows you how to use holding position to imitate Intarsia to knit all sorts of geometric shapes into your stocking stitch garments. Like shallow or steep slopes,  wedges, triangles, diabolos, diamonds, squares, imitation patchwork,  and even simple landscape pictures. All done with  the single bed carriage and only one colour in use at any time.

This book is available from Maggie Andrews


alt                                                        alternate[ly]
approx                                                approximately
beg                                                      beginning
c1, c2, etc.                                         contrast colour
cal                                                       carriage at left
car                                                       carriage at right
carr                                                 carriage
circ                                                     circular [tubular]
cm                                                       centimetres
cont                                                    continue[ing]
dec                                                      decrease[ing]
ea                                                        each
ev                                                        every
f1/a  [f2/b]                                         feeder 1/a [back feeder.   feeder 2/a [front feeder]                               
ff                                                         fully fashioned
fnr                                                       full needle rib
foll                                                      following
g                                                          grams
h5 [6, 7, etc]                                      Set ribber to half pitch on number shown
hp                                                        holding position
inc                                                       increase[ing]
k                                                          knit
kwy                                                     knit several rows waste yarn and remove from machine
m                                                         metres
mb                                                       main bed
mc                                                       main colour
mm                                                      millimetres
mt                                                        main tension
mt+1 [2, 3, etc]                                 1 [2, 3, etc] full sizes looser than mt
mt-1  [2, 3, etc]                                 1 [2, 3. etc] full sizes tighter than mt.
n/ns                                                     needle[s]
nwp                                                     non working position
“o”                                                      centre 0
opp                                                  opposite
p5 [6, 7, etc]                                      Set ribber to full pitch on number shown
patt                                                     pattern
rem                                                     remaining
rep                                                      repeat[ing]
r/rs                                                      row[s]
rb                                                        ribber bed
rc                                                         row counter number
st/sts                                                   stitch[es]
st st                                                  stocking stitch
td                                                         tension dial number
tog                                                       together
trans                                                   transfer
uwp                                                     upper working position
wp                                                       working position
wy                                                       waste yarn
wyrn                                                   wrap yarn round first inside needle in holding position

Photocopying  or reproducing all, or any part of this publication is strictly prohibited.This pattern is copyright and is published for the use of private individuals. The use of this pattern for commercial gain is forbidden without the prior permission of the designer, Maggie Andrews.

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