Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Review: Murder at Morningside

Murder at Morningside Murder at Morningside by Sandra Bretting
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By Sandra Bretting
This is a new author to me. The setting of the book takes place in Louisiana and comes with all the southern charm you come to expect from the south. I loved the old sayings she usod like “Lorda mercy” I haven’t heard that one since I was a child.

I love her writing style like “It seems the girl and her fiancĂ© must have eaten supper before they said grace” descripts a baby bump under her top. And “Terrible shame. Yellow caution tape dressed the bathroom door like a satin sash on a prom queen’s dress”. And this one “Why, Missy, you look prettier than a pat of butter on a stack of wheat cakes.” And on and on it goes.

I loved the story, characters. This is first in a new series. This is the second time I have read the book. Love it.


View all my reviews

Monday, February 19, 2018

Kimono Commotion

Kimono Commotion 

By Kathryn Doubrley

PDF, 32 pgs, $20.00. Instant download at http://www.theanswerlady.com.  For any machine, gauge, even the passap. 9 beautiful patterns sized from 32 to 64, including one for newborns to 3 mos. Some patterns require a ribber, lace carriage, or punch card, but with all these patterns, you will find one you love.  I was amazed at all the wonderful sweaters in this book! There is one pattern that you can use to make many different sweaters
from.  Easy to follow directions, with lots of fine detail on
the sweaters from cables, lace, tuck stitches and more.

Charts, color photos and graphs. You will love this book.

New Flannel shirt

I needed a warmer shirt and  I love the color Lavender, so I found some matching flannel material at JoAnn's and had fun making this shi...