Friday, January 27, 2023

June 2020 Pattern of the Month Crochet


At My House

June 2020 Pattern of the Month Crochet

Clark's O.N.T. J & P Coats  Book No. 230 Price 10 Cents

Doilies Table cloths  Bedspreads Runners



 Pattern number 7778


MATERIALS: J. & P. COATS OR CLARK'S a.N.T. BEST SIX CORD MERCERIZED CROCHET. Size 30: 2 ball.  Sleel Crocbel Hook 10.


Note: tr tr is = a triple treble


Doily measures 12 inches in diameter

Ch 8. Join to form ring. 

1st rnd: (Sc in ring, ch 10) 8 times; sl st in 1st sc.

2nd rnd: Sl st in next 5 ch, sc in loop, ch 6, dc in same loop, (ch 4, in next loop make dc, ch 3 and dc) 7 times; ch 4, sl st in 3rd ch of ch-6.

3rd rnd: Sl st in next sp, ch 3, in same sp make dc, ch 2 and 2 dc; * ch 2, sc in next sp, ch 2, in next sp make 2 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc. Repeat from * around. ending with ch 2. Join.

4th rnd: Sl st in next dc and in next sp, ch 3, in same sp make 2 dc, ch 2 and 3 dc; * ch 3. sc in next sc, ch 3, in next sp (between dc-groups) make 3 dc, ch 2 and 3 de. Repeat from * around. Join.

5th rnd: Sl st in next 2 dc and in sp, ch 4. in same sp make tr, ch 3 and 2 tr (shell made), * ch 11, in ch-3 sp between dc-groups make 2 tr. ch 3 and 2 tr (another shell made). Repeat £rom * around. Join.

6th rnd: Sl st in next tr and in sp, ch 4, in same sp make 2 tr, ch 3 and 3 tr (shell over shell), * ch 3. make 9 tr in center ch of ch-11,b ch 3, in sp of next shell make 3 tr, ch 3 and 3 tr (shell made over shell). Repeat from * around. Join.

7th rnd: * Shell over shell, ch 3, (tr in next tr, ch 1) 8 times; tr in next tr. ch 3. Repeat from'" around. Join.

8th rnd: * Shell over shell, ch 3, sc in next ch-l sp, (ch 3, sc in next sp) 7 times; ch 3. Repeat from * around. Join.

9th rnd: * Shell over shell. ch 5. skip next ch-3, sc in next ch-3 loop. (ch 5. sc in next loop) 6 times; ch 5. Repeat from *, around. Join.

10th rnd: Sl st in next 2 tr and in sp, ch 4, in same sp make 2 tr, ch 2, tr, ch 3. tr, ch 2 and 3 tr; * ch 5, skip next ch-5. sc in next ch-5 loop, (ch 5, sc in next loop) 5 times; ch 5, in sp of next shell make 3 tr, ch 2, tr, ch 3, tr. ch 2 and 3 tr. Repeat from * around. Join.

11th rnd: Sl st in next 2 tr and in sp, ch 4, in same sp make 2 tr, ch 2 and 2 tr, * ch 2, 5 tr in next ch-3 sp. ch 2, in next sp make 2 tr, ch 2 and 3 tr; ch 5, skip next ch-5. sc in next ch- 5 loop, (ch 5. sc in next loop) 4 times; ch 5, skip next ch-5, in next sp make 3 tr, ch 2 and 2 tr. Repeat from * around. Join.

12th rnd: Sl st in next 2 tr and in sp, ch 4, in same sp make 2 tr, ch 3 and 2 tr; * ch 2. in next sp make 2 tr, ch 2 and tr; ch 2, skip next tr, (tr in next tr, ch 1) 3 times; tr in next tr, ch 2, in next sp make tr, ch 2 and 2 tr; ch 2, in next sp make 2 tr. ch 3 and 3 tr; ch 5. skip next ch-5. sc in next ch-5 loop, (ch 5, sc in next lnop) 3 times; ch 5, skip next ch-5. in next sp make 3 tr, ch 3 and 2 tr. Repeat from * around, Join.

13th rnd: Sl st in next 2 tr and in sp, ch 4, in same sp make 2 tr. ch 3 and 3 tr (shell made over shell); * ch 3, skip next sp. in next sp make 3 tr, ch 2 and 2 tr; ch 5. skip next sp. sc in next ch-l sp, (ch 5. sc in next sp) twice; ch 5, skip next sp and tr. in next sp make 2 tr, ch 2 and 3 tr; ch 3, skip next sp, in next sp make 3 tr, ch 3 and 3 tr; ch 5, skip next ch-5, sc in next ch-5 loop. (ch 5. sc in next loop) twice; ch 5, skip next ch-5. in next sp make 3 tr, ch 3 and 3 tr. Repeat from * around. Join.

14th rnd:   Shell over shell. * ch 3: sc in next sp. ch 3, shell in next sp, ch 5. skip next ch-5, (sc in next loop, ch 5) twice, skip next ch-5, shell in next sp; ch 3. sc in next sp, ch 3. shell over shell, ch 5, skip next ch-5, (sc in next loop, ch 5) twice, skip next ch-5, shell over. shell. Repeat from * around. Join.

15th rnd: * Shell over shell, ch 5, sc in next sc, ch 5, shell over shell, ch 5, skip next ch-S, sc in next ch-5 loop, ch 5, shell over shell, ch 5, sc in next sc, ch 5, shell over shell, ch 5, skip next ch-5, sc in next loop, ch 5. Repeat from * around. Join.

16th rnd: * Shell over shell. ch 8, sc in next sc, ch 8, shell over shell. ch 5. Repeat from * around. Join.

17th rnd: Sl st in next 2 tr and in sp, ch 4, 2 tr in same sp, * ch 12, sc in next sc, ch 12, 3 tr in sp of next shell, ch 3, in next sp make 2 tr, 2 d tr, tr tr, ch 5, sc in last tr tr made, in same sp make tr tr, 2 d tr and 2 tr; ch 3, 3 tr in sp of next shell. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.

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