Friday, November 15, 2024

November 2022 Pattern of the Month Knit dishcloth

                                                                  At My House

November 2022 Pattern of the Month Knit



 one pair size 8 or 10 knitting needles

one ball of cotton yarn OR 

1 or 2  skeins of 4 ply yarn if you want to make a scarf, in solid ,

one row counter

two stitch markers


                              Work with a multiple of 4 stitches. plus 2          

Twisted Stitch: TS = knit the second stitch,  leave on left hand

 needle, then  knit the first stitch, remove both the right hand needle

For  cotton yarn, cast on 41 stitches.

Row 1: Ts over 2 stitches, p1, ts over 2 stitches across row. (front)

Row 2:    P2, K1, P2 across row.

Repeat rows 1 and 2 a total of 6 times, ending with row 2.

Reset row counter to 0

Set up row. This row counts as row 1 of pattern, TS 2, P 1, TS 2, place marker, dec 1 stitch this row only, knit to last 5 stitches, place marker, TS 2, P 1, TS 2.  You will have 30 stitches between the markers.   And 5 stitches at each end of needles.

Set your row counters to row 2!!!!  (the set up row counted as row 1, and you should have 40 stitches on your needles. If you don't, then you need to decease one stitch between the markers. And start with row 2

Row 1:  TS 2, P 1, TS 2, Knit to next marker, TS 2, P 1, TS 2

Row 2:  P2, K1, P2,  K 1.  *(yo), p 2. pass yo over 2 p sts just worked and drop. p 2 *; repeat from * to *.  k1, P2, K1, P2

Row 3:  TS 2, P 1, TS 2, Knit to next marker, TS 2, P 1, TS 2

Row 4: P2, K1, P2, slip marker K 1. * P 2. yo. P 2. pass yo over 2 p sts just worked and drop *; repeat from * to *,  k 1,slip marker,  P2, K1, P2. 

Repeat Rows 1 through 4 for pattern. If you are using cotton yarn and want to make a dishcloth, repeat pattern until square( 8 totoal repeats of rows 1 to 4), if you want to make a scarf, repeat pattern till desired length, or until you have about 15 yards left.

To finish:

Dec one stitch between markers, ONE TIME ONLY ON ROW 1.

Row 1: Ts over 2 stitches, p1, ts over 2 stitches across row.


Row 2: P2, K1, P2 across row.


Repeat rows 1 and 2 a total of 6 times, bind off, weave in threads.

This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites,

lists, newsletters, nor sold or recopied. It is for your personal 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Sunday links for knitting, crocheting and sewing 2

 Sunday links for knitting, crocheting and sewing     

Rose Garden Lace Scarf
Rose Garden Lace Scarf

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Cropped Blouse and Skirt with Lace Ruffles for 18-inch Doll

American Girl Doll Fields of Daisies Skirt and Top 
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