Friday, July 19, 2013

Knitted brooch or fridgie

October 2007 Pattern of the Month Knit

Knitted brooch or fridgie@ 2007 by Penney Wilfort

Small needles size 3, solid color of thread,  and wooden tooth picks

Cast on 12

Roll 1 to 5 Knit
Roll 6, K4-P4-K4
Roll 7 K4-P4-K4

Roll 8 K4-P4-K4

Roll 9, P4-K4-P4
Roll 10,P4-K4-P4

Roll 11,P4-K4-P4

Roll 12, Knit
Roll 13,Knit

Roll 14,Knit
Roll 15,Knit

Roll 16, Use tooth pick and knit stitches (12) off needle just hold tooth pick easy you can do this.

Roll17, ALL stitches are now on plastic tooth pick. With other tooth pick knit 6 stitches.  LEAVE about 20 inches of thread then cut it. with the long thread start rolling it up into a little ball add some school glue to this little ball to keep it from coming apart.
Then glue the little "yarn ball onto the piece you knitted. Glue the stitches to both tooth picks have the tooth picks cross each other at the top to look like it is being knitted. When dry put a brooch or pin fastener on the back to wear as a brooch/pin OR put a magnet on the back for a fridgie.
This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites,
lists, newsletters, nor sold or recopied. It is for your personal use only.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Black Box

She told the counselor about her dad pulling her hair, about him calling her names, telling her to get out; she showed him the marks that her dad left on her when he would punch her.  I was there when she told the counselor about all of it. She kept a dairy of it all, I told her to give it to the courts.   It was kept with all our court paperwork.  The marriage counselor said the courts ordered her to see her dad. He lied; I have the copies of the paper work. The counselor told her to go live with her dad.  Justice is only for those who buy it.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Christmas Countdown

Christmas Countdown by Vicki Hinze
       This is the second in the series of Lost, Inc. Great book, loved the characters, and
suspense! Kept me reading into the night, loved it.

New Flannel shirt

I needed a warmer shirt and  I love the color Lavender, so I found some matching flannel material at JoAnn's and had fun making this shi...