Monday, November 1, 2021

November 2019 Stitch of the Month Knit


November 2019 Stitch of the Month Knit 

The Little Crown Stitch



Multiples of 3 + 2

Note:  k1, p1, k1 in the same 3 stitch loops. First, using the 3 loops as one stitch, knit the stitch,  do not remove the 3 loops from the left hand needle, you will have a knit stitch on the right hand needle, then bring yarn to front under right hand needle, and purl the loops on the left hand needle,do not remove the 3 loops  from the left hand needle, now you will have a purl stitch on the right hand needle, then bring the yarn to the back under the right hand needle and knit the 3 loops. Now you have another knit stitch on the right hand needle. All 3 loops are now on the right hand needle.

Cast on 20 ( 3 x 6 = 18 + 2 = 20)

Row 1: Knit   (side right)

Row 2: Knit 

Row 3: K1, *k1 while wrapping yarn twice; rep from * till last st, k1

Row 4: K1, *sl next 3 sts (these are the wrapping yarn twice from row 3) and let the second loop drop, ( see picture A ) place slipped sts back on the left hand needle, (see picture B ) using the 3 loops as one stitch [k1, p1, k1] all into the same 3 loop stitch; rep from * to last st, k1. When done with this row, you should have the 20 stitches you started with.


Picture A.                                                                           



 Picture B

Repeat rows 1 – 4 until desired length, then knit rows 1 and 2 once, bind off in purl. 

New Flannel shirt

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