Sunday, September 14, 2014

Freedom Pin

Freedom Pin; 
God Bless America:By  Shirley Stalnaker
Sept. 17th made in memory of tragedy of the twin towers in New York and the Pentagon  Sept 11th.  2001

E Hook
Red Heart Red White and Blue variegated yarn.
Pin clasp:
hot glue

1)  Ch 30, fold around to form 1/2 bow, with 6 stitches, on right side and 7 sts on left side.turn, sc in second st from hook .( hang on to center of 1/2 bow so you don't loose loop, or secure with a safty pin). sc in next 5 sts. sc through two layers of loop to hold together. sc around loop.(13 sc) sc two layers together as before, sc in last 6 sts. sc 2 more times in last st. (3 sc)sc up foundation ch. around unworked loops of foundation ch. and down other side 2 sc in last st. end off weave in ends. take a piece of yarn about 6 in long and tie in a bow where the 1/2 bow meets in the center. cut the end of the tied bow even. glue the pin back on and you have your God Bless America Pin!

This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted. It is for your personal use only.

New Flannel shirt

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