Tuesday, May 16, 2017

January – February Dishcloths

January – February Dishcloths by Jason J Wurst

  $20.00 for book and CD. 39 pages. G carriage/Tuck machine. (For the 4.5 gauge electronic with patterning capability) There are so many dishcloth patterns (30 in all) you will never run out of ideas for them. Patterns for music notes, holidays, snowboard, and knitting are just a few of them. A wonderful variety of cloths to make. The graphs in the book can be hand knitted as well. http://home.earthlink.net/~rhfarm/ (Rocking Horse Farm (Carole's Country Knits)  Phone: 320-252-2996

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Light House Ski Hat

  I decided to make another ski hat, I'm going to use eyelash yarns, a fluffy white yarn, and regular colors to make it. I'm going t...