Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Ski Hat #3

Ski Hat #3
@ 2008 by N. L. Banks

Another one for Charity, and this one seems to be the best one, as I get a lot of requests for it, its also one of my favorites.

Red Heart Sport Weight 3 ply yarn:
1 Skein Red         1/2 Skein Blue
1/2 Skein Green   1/2 Skein Yellow
1/2 Skein Orange
circular knitting needles in sizes 5 and  7

1 pair double pointed needles size 7
Row counter
Read all directions first.
With red cast on 108 stitches, being careful not to twist stitches, join.

Rds 1 to 10: Knit 1, Purl 1. At the end of round 10, change to size
 7 needles

Rds 11: knit

Now start chart rows 1 to 36
Rd 37: decease 12 stitches evenly around.
Continue with chart to round 42
Rd 43: knit with red.
Rd 44: K 2 tog
Rd 45: knit
Rd 46: K 2 tog, Run needle thru remaining stitches, draw up tight,

B = Blue    Y = Yellow    G = Green    O = Orange    Blank = Red

This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted. It is for your personal use only.


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