Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Angela's Scarf July 2014 Pattern of the Month Knit

At My House

July 2014 Pattern of the Month Knit

Angela's Scarf @2012 by N. Banks

I would like to thank Angela Easter for the Patons Coast yarn.


1 Pair size 11 knitting needles

1 ball Bernat So-Soft in blue

1 ball Patons Coast in light blue

2 markers

1 row counter

Note: for help with this stitch, see January 2014 stitch of the month.

Cast on 32

With the Coast in light blue, Knit 5, place marker, knit 22, place marker, Knit 5

Rows 2 to 8 Knit, slipping markers as you come to them. Change to the Bernat So Soft after row 8.

Now start pattern:

Row 1: K5,  P2, * keeping the yarn in front of work, slip 1 purl wise, then taking the yarn over the needle, (hold your figure on the yo after the slipped stitch) K2 together, pass the slipped stitch over the yarn over and the 2 knitted tog,  yarn over twice, P2, repeat from *, end K 5.

Row 2:  K 5 slip marker *K 2, P 3, repeat from * across row. End k 5

Row 3: k 5, *P2, K 3, repeat from * across row, end k 5

Row 4: k 5, slip marker, *K 2, P 3, repeat from * across row, end k 5.

Repeat these 4 rows until you have a couple yards left. Then do row 1. Fasten off the So-Soft and attach the Coast in light blue. Knit 8 rows. Bind off; weave in the ends of yarn.

 This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted. It is for your personal use only.



Bert said...

What size is the scarf when finished? Thanks.

Nina's At My House said...

Sorry I don't remember but I think it's about 4 foot long by 15 to 18 wide.

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