Friday, October 14, 2022

October 2020 Pattern of the Month Crochet


An At My House Pattern

October 2020 Pattern  of the Month Crochet


AUTUMN'S ANGEL@ 2001 (bed doll) by Shirley  Stalnaker


steel hook = 0

2 skeins Micro-Spun ( Lion Brand Sports yarn, of regular sports yarn)= 168 yrds.@

Yarn needle

glue gun and glue

Sprig of Fall Leaves in various sized leaves, and colors

Air Freshner Doll

Styrofoam Bell shaped , 4" tall, to glue doll onto.



ch= chain

sc= single crochet

st = stitch

sl st= slip stitch

dc= double crochet

dec= decrease

sk= skip




1) Ch 31, sc in 2nd st from hook, * dc in next st, sc in next st, dc in next st * across.


2) Dc in sc, sc in dc, across


3) Ch 1, scin the dc and dc in the sc, for 5 sts, ch 9, sk 5 sts, sc in the dcs, and dc in the scs, for 7 sts, ch 9, sk 5 sts, dc in sc,and sc in dc, to the end of row. ( this gives you arm holes).


4) Ch 1, do the pattern st as in above rows. Also when you come to the chain 9's do the pattern st across them. ( At this point it will look like a jumper top.)


5)  Ch 1 turn, sc in the next 4 sts, * dec over next 2 sts, sc in next st* Repeat 4 times across shoulder, sc across to next shoulder, Repeat * to * and sc in last 4 sts. End off, and weave in ends.



1) Attach Yarn at bottom of arm opening. sc up  5 sts, 3sc in each of the next 6 sts, sc to first sc and sl st to close.


2-3) Ch 1,turn, sc around sl st in first sc.


4) Ch 1, dec in same st and next st, dec next 2 sts together around. Sl st in first sc


5) Ch 1, sc in same st, and in the next 3 sts, dec 4 times over the next 8 sts, sc in next 4 sts, sl st in first sc.


6) Ch 1, sc in same st, and in next 4 sts, (dec next 2 sts together) 2 times, sc to the beginning sc, sl st and end off, weave in ends. Repeat for other sleeve.



1) Attach yarn and work in stitch design.


2) Increase 10 sts across evenly working in design stitch ( note: you will have 3 sts in some sts to keep pattern design.)


3) Work evenly across in pattern stitch.


4) Increase 10 sts, still work in pattern stitch


5) Work evenly across in pattern stitch.


6) Ch 3, 2 dc in same st, 3 dc in each st across


7) ch 3 3dc in base of ch 3, sk 2 sts, 1 sc in next st, * ch 3, sk 3 sts, 3 dc, in next st, sk 2 sts, 1 sc in next st, repeat from * across, sl st in beginning ch 3, ch 1 turn (you will be working in rounds now.) turn


8) * Ch 3, 3 dc in sc, 1 sc in next ch 3 sp, ch 3, repeat from * around turn


9-14) Repeat pattern rows  7&8 until you get 4 1/2 inches or 14 rows. end off weave in ends.




Glue doll to bell shaped styrofoam piece, Put dress on doll, and sew the back of the dress closed. Cut leaves off sprig, arrange evenly around bottom of dress. Glue smaller leaves around the hair bun. (for Halo) Take Largest leaves and next to largest leaves, ( They might be attached to each other already) Glue to back of Angel, for her Wings. Take a few of the small leaves and make a bouquet, glue to he hand.


I had fun designing this Angel I hope you have as much fun when you make her!


This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted without permission. It is for your personal use only.


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