Thursday, May 4, 2023

November 2020 Pattern of the Month Machine Knit


At My House


November 2020 Pattern of the Month Machine Knit


Machine Knit 12” Toy Soldier Nutcracker

©2015 by N Banks


Quick, simple, easy to knit toy soldier nut-cracker. It has no shaping, so it is suited for a beginner.  The sample was knit on a Studio SK 700 4.5 machine.


3/11 or 2/11 yarn small amounts of

Black, Pale Pink, Blue and Yellow

3 yards or less of Lion Brand Fun Fur in color 304 Strips Night Sky

Yarn needle and a shape yarn needle.

1. With black, and leaving a long tail, cast on with e-wrap 54  ( 27 – 0- 27 ). Set machine

    to plain knit.  Ten 10 RC 0, knit 20 rows.

2. Run a yarn marker in this last row.

3. Ten. 10, RC 0, knit 10 rows. Hang hem on the marked row. Knit 1 row. Fasten off


4. Ten 10, RC 0 with Blue knit 20 rows. Fasten off blue.

5. Ten 10, RC 0 with red, knit 26 rows.   Fasten off red.

6. Ten 10, RC 0, with pale pink, knit 16 rows. Fasten off pale pink. 

7. Ten 10, RC 0, with black, knit 20 rows. Hang hem to first row of black.  

8.  Ten 10, RC 0, knit 20 rows.

9.  Move 2 end stitches both sides of knitting to next to 2 needles ( 50 stitches). Leave 4

     needles out of work.

10. Ten 10, RC 0, knit 5 rows. Bind off, leaving a long tail.

         11.  With knit side in, sew top of hat closed, sew sides of hat closed, sewing inside the hat brim first, then the out side.



12. With pale pink, sew head closed. With red, sew chest closed. With Blue, sew legs

     closed. With Black, sew first inside, then outside of boot cuff, then rest of boots.




13. Turn right side out. Stuff hat firmly, then stuff rest of body firm. Center seam at

     back, sew bottom of boots closed.

14. With black sew center of boots and cuff to up to the pants (blue). Sew with blue the

      pants about half up. 

15. With red, at waist, run red at line just  above the blue and pull up a bit. With red

     at top of shirt, run red and pull up tight to shape head.

16. Starting about ½ down from top of shirt at right side of doll, sew arms and hand.




17. Belt. With black, leaving a long tail, cast on with e-wrap 8 stitches ( 4 – 0 – 4 ).

      Ten 10. knit 70 rows. Bind off. Set aside.

18. Buckle. With yellow, cast on with e-wrap 4 stitches ( 2 – 0- 2) knit 14 rows. Bind off,

     leaving a tail. With knit sides facing, sew seam closed. Turn right side out, and slip

     on belt, center at middle of belt.

19. Put belt on doll with buckle centered in front, and sew seam at back closed.


20. Eyes, with black sew over 2 stitches with 3 times placing eye as per picture. Repeat

     for second eye. 

21. Nose, with pale pink, thread yarn needle with four strands of yarn. Sew nose four  

      rows under eyes centered on 3 center  stitches. Sew three times.  

22. Ears. At sides of head about ¼ inch from bottom of hat brim, sew with four strands,

      3 times.  



23. Beard: Thread yarn needle with about a yard and half of the long eyelash yarn.  Start ½ inch above the shoulder below the ear, and taking tiny stitches using every  two knit stitches across the lower part of the face working to-wards the other ear.   Work in an up side down C shape and pull the eyelashes out of the stitches as you work up  towards just under the nose. I used the yarn needle to pull the lashes  out of the stitches, then brushed the beard with it.  Hope you enjoy this pattern as much as I did making it.

This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted without permission. It is for your personal use only.




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