Saturday, June 8, 2013

November 2010 Stitch of the Month Knit

November 2010 Stitch of the Month Knit



Multiple of 2   

Row 1: K.

Rows 2, 3, 4 and 5: * K 1, k 1 B *.

Rows 6, 7, 8 and 9: * K 1 B, k 1 *.

Row 10: Rep. from row 2.

Note: On 6th and 10th rows k 1 B of previous row is worked k 1 B, the single k 1, as k 1, again.

K1B =  insert needle into the stitch below the next stitch to be knitted and knit

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Royal Heist

Royal Heist by Rachelle McCalla

    I have loved reading these two series by Rachelle. The first one was
Reclaiming the Crown. Royal Heist is from the Protecting the Crown series, and its packed with action, suspense, great interesting characters, and a wonderful plot that keeps you guessing, I gave it 5 stars.

New Flannel shirt

I needed a warmer shirt and  I love the color Lavender, so I found some matching flannel material at JoAnn's and had fun making this shi...