Friday, November 25, 2016

The Mad Hatter II

The Mad Hatter II
by Sandy Lightfoot

BK 013 $7.50, 13 pages, email her for details or instant download at . For the Bulky or Mid gauge knitting machine, ribber required. You will love this pretty and useful collection of hats for baby to daddy, sized 13 to 24 inches. Learn new techniques like short rowing and no sew. Learn new stitches for the ribber like Full and half Fisherman rib. Learn to make flowers using your knitting machine, Rouleaux flower trim and Fagoting. Four great hat patterns and a scarf to match. All this using her very clear and easy to follow directions.  A must have for your Christmas knitting

Sunday, November 20, 2016

November 2014 Stitch of the Month Knit

November 2014 Stitch of the Month Knit

Sea-Foam Stitch Pattern (multiple of 10 sts + 6)

For sample cast on 26 (10 x 2 = 20 + 6 = 26)

Rows 1 and 2: Knit.

Row 3: K6, *[yo] 2 times, k1, [yo] 3 times, k1, [yo] 4 times, k1, [yo] 3 times, k1, [yo] 2 times, k6; rep from *.

Row 4: *K6, drop 2 yo off left needle, k1, drop 3 yo, k1, drop 4 yo, k1, drop 3 yo, k1, drop 2 yo; rep from * to last 6 sts, k6.

Rows 5 and 6: Knit.

Row 7: K1, *[yo] 2 times, k1, [yo] 3 times, k1, [yo] 4 times, k1, [yo] 3 times, k1, [yo] 2 times, k6; rep from *, ending last rep k1 instead of k6.

Row 8: K1, *drop 2 yo off left needle, k1, drop 3 yo, k1, drop 4 yo, k1, drop 3 yo, k1, drop 2 yo, k6; rep from *, ending last rep k1 instead of k6.

Rep Rows 1-8 for pattern until length desired.

New Flannel shirt

I needed a warmer shirt and  I love the color Lavender, so I found some matching flannel material at JoAnn's and had fun making this shi...