Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Knitted Sports Jacket

Knitted Sports Jacket

This is an old time pattern that was posted on my crochet and knitting list on yahoo many years ago. I hope you like it.  

Sports Jacket # 944 sizes 14 to 16 from

Columbia Knitting Manual Vol. 109, 1947

Columbia Knitting Worsted (4 ounce skein) 4 Skeins -or- Columbia Heather Knitting Worsted (4 ounce skein) 4 Skeins -or- Columbia Afghan Germantown ( 2 ounce skein) 6 Skeins

Knitting Needles: 1 Pair Standard Size 7-14 inch Gauge: 5 Sts. to 1 inch
1 Composition Crochet Hook Standard Size 2 ~-6 inch

BACK: Cast on 86 Sts.
Row 1- *K.3, P.3, repeat from * 6 times more (42 Sts.), K.2, (starting center point) * P.3, K.3, repeat from * 6 times more (42 Sts.).

Row 2- P.3, K.3 for 42 Sts., P.2 center Sts., K.3, P.3, for 42 Sts.

Row 3- K. 2, * P.3, K.3, repeat from * 5 times more, P.3, (41 Sts.) K.4 center Sts., * P.3, K.3, repeat from * 5 times more, P.3, K.2.

Row 4- P.2, * K.3, P.3, repeat from * 5 times more, K.3, P. 4 center Sts., * K.3, P.3, repeat from * 5 times more, K.3, P.2.

Row 5- Kl, (P.3, K3) 6 times, P.3, K6 center Sts., (P.3, K3) 6 times, P.3, Kl.

Row 6- P.l, (K3, P.3) 6 times, K3, P.6 center Sts., (K3, P.3) 6 times, K3, P.l.

Row 7- (P.3, K3) 7 times, P.2 center Sts., (K3, P.3) 7 times.

Row 8- (K3, P.3) 7 times, K2 center Sts., (P.3, K3) 7 times.

Row 9- P.2, (K3, P.3) 6 times, K3, P.4 center Sts., (K3, P.3) 6 times, K3, P.2.

Row l0- K2, (P.3, K3) 6 times, P.3, K4 center Sts., (P.3, K3) 6 times, P.3, K2.

Row ll- P.l, (K3, P.3) 6 times, K3, P.6 center Sts., (K3, P.3) 6 times, K3, P.l.

Row 12-Kl, (P.3, K3) 6 times, P.3, K6 center Sts., (P.3, K3) 6 times, P.3, Kl.
Repeat Pattern from Row 1.

"When work measures 7 1/2 inches from start,
To Shape Armholes: Bind off 6 Sts. at beginning of each of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 St. each side every other row 4 times (66 Sts. on Needle), being careful to keep Pattern even.

When armhole measures 2 inches (measured straight from bound off Sts, at underarm), work all Sts. in Ribbing of K.I, P.I, for Yoke. When Yoke measures 5 inches,
To Shape Shoulders: Bind off 6 Sts. at beginning of each of the next 4 rows, then 5 Sts. on next 4 rows (22 Sts. bound off on each side), bind off remaining 22 Sts. for back of neck.

RIGHT FRONT: Cast on 54 Sts.
Row 1- (P.3, K3) 9 times.

Row 2- (P.3, K3) 9 times.

Row 3- KI, (P.3, K3) 8 times, P.3, K2.

Row 4- P.2, (K3, P.3) 8 times, K.3, P.l.

Row 5- K2, (P.3, K3) 8 times, P.3, Kl.

Row 6- P.1 (K3, P.3) 8 times, K3, P.2.

Row 7- (K3, P.3) 9 times.

Row 8- (K3, P.3) 9 times.

Row 9- P.I, (K3, P.3) 8 times, K3, P.2.

Row 10- K.2, (P.3, K3) 8 times, P.3, K1.

Row 11-P.2, (K3, P.3) 8 times, K.3, P.l.

Row 12- KI, (P.3, K3) 8 times, P.3, K2.

Repeat Pattern from Row 1.
When Front measures 7 1/2 inches from start,
Shape Armhole: Bind off 6 Sts. at side edge, then decrease I St. every other row 4 times. When armhole measures 2 inches. work in Ribbing of K.1, P1, for 4 inches for Yoke.

Shape Neck: Bind off 10 Sts. at front edge, then decrease 1 St. every row 12 times, at the same time when armhole measures same as at Back,

Shape Shoulder: Bind off 6 Sts. every other row 2 times. then 5 Sts. every other row 2 times.

LEFT FRONT: Work to correspond with Right Front, working Pattern St. in opposite direction as follows:
Row 1-(K.3, P.3) 9 times.

Row 2-(K3, P.3) 9 times.

Row 3- K 2. (P.3, K3) 8 times, P.3, K l.

Row 4-P.1 (K3, P.3) 8 times, K3, P.2.

Row 5-K.I. (P.3, K3) 8 times, P.3, K.2.

Row 6 - P.2, (K3, P.3) 8 times, K3, P.l.

Row 7- P.3. K3) 9 times.

Row 8- P.3. K3) 9 times.

Row 9- P.2. (K3, P.3) 8 times, K3, P.l.

Row 10- K.1. (P.3, K3) 8 times, P.3, K2.

Row 11- P.1 (K3, P.3) 8 times, K3, P.2.

Row 12- K.2. (P.3, K3) 8 times, P.3, Kl.

Repeat pattern from Row 1 being careful to keep Pattern even.

Sleeves: Cast on 50 Sts.
Row 1- (K.3. P.3,) 4 times, K2 center Sts., (P.3, K3) 4 times

Row 2- (P3, K.3) 4 times, P.2 center Sts., (K3, P.3) 4 times

Row 3 – (K2. P.3. K.3) 3 times, P.3, K4 center Sts., (P.3, K3) times, P3. K.2

Row 4 -P.2. (K.3. P.3) 3 times, K.3, P.4 center Sts., (K.3, P3) times. K.3 P.2.

Row 5-. K1. (P.3 ,K3).3 times, P.3, K6 center Sts., (P.3, K3) 3 times. P.3. K.l.

Row 6 - P.l. (K3, P.3) 3 times, K3, P.6 center Sts., (K3, P3) 3 times. K.3. P.l.

Row 7- (P.3, K.3) 4 times, P.2 center Sts., (K3, P.3) 4 times ..

Row 8- (K3, P.3) 4 times, K2 center Sts., (P.3, K3) 4 times.

Row 9- P.2, (K3, P.3) 3 times, K3, P4 center Sts., (K.3. P.3) 3 times, K3, P.2.

Row 10- K2, (P.3, K3) 3 times, P.3, K4 center Sts .. (P.3, K3) 3 times, P.3, K2.

Row 11- P.l, (K3, P.3) 3 times, K3, P.6 center Sts., (K 3, P.3) 3 times, K3, P.I.

Row 12- Kl, (P.3, K3) 3 times, P.3, K6 center Sts., (P.3. K3) 3 times, P 3, K1.

Repeat Pattern from Row 1.

Work even for 3 inches, then increase 1 St. each side, then increase 1 St. each side every 6th row 6 times more. Sts. on Needle: 64.

When Sleeve measures 16 1/2 inches, bind off 4 Sts. at the beginning of each of the next 2 rows, then bind off 2 Sts. each side every other row 2 times. Work even for 3 inches. then decrease 1 St. each side every row 9 times, then bind off 5 Sts. at the beginning of each of the next 2 rows, then bind off remaining Sts.

Belt: Cast on 20 Sts. Work in Ribbing of K1, P.l for 28 inches. Decrease 1 St. each side every other row 6 times. bind off remaining Sts.

Cuff: Cast on 10 Sts. Work in Ribbing of K1, P.I, for 6 1/2 inches. Bind off.
Sew shoulder seams. Sew Sleeves in place. Sew underarm and sleeve seams. Sew Cuff to Sleeves.

Sew Buckle to straight end of Belt. Sew Belt to Jacket. (Buckle at Left Front) leaving 2 inches of point free to draw through Buckle. Work 1 row of S.C. at front edge and around neck and buckle.

Light House Ski Hat update needs picture

 I've started on my hat following the pattern and chart that finished.  I've done the grass, the hill and part of the lighthouse wit...