Saturday, December 23, 2023

Holiday Placemats

                                                An At My House Pattern

                               Holiday Place mats
           @1999 by N.L. Banks

Peaches & Crème Yarn by
Elmore-Pisgah, Inc.

6 1/2 ball Hunter 63
2 ball Victorian Christmas #609
G hook

Rd 1 With Hunter, ch 5 to form ring, ch 1, 10 sc in ring.

Rd 2 ch 1, 2 sc in same place, 2 sc in each sc around, join, (20).

Rd 3 ch 1, 2 sc in same place, * 1 sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc, repeat from * around, join. (30 sc ).

Rd 4 ch1, 2 sc in same place, * 1 sc in next 2sc, 2 sc in next dc, repeat from * around, join, (40sc)

Rd 5 ch 3, 2dc in same place, * 1 dc in next 3 sc, 2 dc in next sc, repeat from * around, join (50 dc)

Rd 6 ch 3, 2 dc in same place, * 1 dc in next 4dc around, 2dc in next dc, repeat from * around, join (60dc).

Rd 7 ch 3, 2dc in same place, * 1 dc in next 5 dc, 2 dc in next dc, repeat from * around, join (70dc).

Rd 8 ch 3, 2dc in same place, * 1dc in next 4dc, 2 dc in next dc, repeat from * around, join. (84dc ).

Rd 9 ch 3, 2dc in same place, * 1dc in next 3, 2 dc in next dc, repeat from * around, join. ( 105dc)

Rd 10 ch 2, 1dc, ch 1, 2 dc in same place, * skip 1dc, 1 FPS (Front Post Stitch) in next dc, skip 1dc, 2dc, ch 1, 2dc, (shell made) in next dc *. Repeat from * to *, end shell in next dc, FPS around next dc, join. (27 shells).

Rd 11-15 ch 2, 1dc, ch 1, 2 dc in same place, * skip 1sc, 1 FPS in next dc, skip 1dc, 2dc, ch 1, 2dc, (shell made) in next dc *. Repeat from * to *, join. Fasten off.

Rd 16 slip stitch to ch 1 space, ch 2, 1dc, ch 2, 2dc in ch 1 sp, * fps around post, 2dc, ch 2, 2dc in next shell, repeat from * around, join.

Rd 17 slip stitch to ch 2 space, ch 3, 2dc, ch 2, 3dc in ch 2 space, * FPS around next post, 3dc, ch 2, 3dc in next shell, repeat from * around, join. Fasten off Hunter.

Rd 18 Attach Victorian Christmas in any ch 2 space, ch 3, 2dc, ch3, 3dc in ch 2 space, *front post stitch around next dc, 3dc, ch 3, 3dc in ch 2 space of next shell. Repeat from * around, join. Fasten off.

Repeat for 3 other place mats.

This pattern is copyrighted and may not be posted to any other website, list, or media. It is for your personal use only.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Christmas Barrette

Christmas Barrette

@2003 by N.L. Banks


1 ball Honeysuckle Yarn article #810 #109 Victorian Christmas by  Elmore Pisgah, Inc.
1 size 80 mm barrette
E crochet hook
24 3/8 gold jingle bells

String the bells on the yarn, work 24 sc crochets around barrette,  do not use bells at this time, turn.

Row 1:  ch 6, sc in first sc, * ch 3, move bell next to last sc, sc 3, sc in same place, ch 6, sc in same place, ch 6, sc in next sc, repeat from * across row, work in thread, and fasten off.

This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor copied without written permission. It is for your personal use only.




New Flannel shirt

I needed a warmer shirt and  I love the color Lavender, so I found some matching flannel material at JoAnn's and had fun making this shi...