Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May 2016 Stitch of the Month Knit

May 2016 Stitch of the Month Knit
5 x 5 box stitch

Multiples of 5 + 5

For sample cast on 25 ( 5 x 5 = 20 + 5 = 25)
Row 1: * k 5, p 5 * repeat across row, turn.
Row 2: *p 5, k 5 * repeat across row, turn.
Row 3: repeat row 1
Row 4: repeat row 2
Row 5: repeat row 1.
Repeat rows 1 to 5 for pattern until desired length.
With this stitch you are do all kinds of box stitches. 

Like a 3 x3, you would:

Cast on in multiples of 3 + 3, so for a sample cast on 21 ( 3 x 6 = 18 + 3 = 21
Row 1: *k 3, p 3* across row, turn.
Row 2: *p 3, k 3* across row, turn.
Row 3: repeat row 1
Row 4: repeat row 2
Row 5: repeat row 1.

Repeat rows 1 to 5 for pattern until desired length. You can do this to create any type of box stitch you want to. 

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Shapely Shawl

Shapely Shawl  

By Kathryn Doubrley

PDF, 4 pgs. $ 2.99. Instant download at http://www.theanswerlady.com.   
Turtle back Jacket is for double knitting boards such as the Authentic or similar boards with at least 40 pegs on each side.  Jacket is size for 30 to 46 inch bust. The pattern has lots of photos with step by step, easy to follow instructions and uses fluffy and super bulky
weight yarn. Really cute pattern!  Another great
pattern from Kathryn. Below is the video link
 if you need help with techniques.

New Flannel shirt

I needed a warmer shirt and  I love the color Lavender, so I found some matching flannel material at JoAnn's and had fun making this shi...