Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas dishcloth

Christmas dishcloth
@1998 by N. L. Banks

1   ball Green #62   1   ball Red  #95    1   ball Mistletoe #138
G hook

With mistletoe, ch 4 to form ring.

Rd 1, ch 2, 12 dc in ring.

Rd 2, ch 2,   2 dc in each dc around, 1 dc in beg ch 2.

Rd 3 ch 2, 1 dc in same place,  * 1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc * . repeat from * to * around.  37 dc. Fasten off mistletoe. Attach red.

 Rd 4 ch 2,  Front Post Stitch around first dc.    * 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc and front post stitch in next dc *. Repeat from * to * around. End 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc, 1dc in each of next 3dc, join with slip stitch.

Rd 5 ch 2, front post stitch in next dc, * 1dc in each of next 9dc, front post stitch around next post *. Repeat from * to *. End 1 dc in next 8 dc, join with slip stitch. Fasten off Red.

Rd 6, attach Mistletoe, ch 2,  FPS around first dc, * 1 dc in next  10 dc, 1 dc in nest dc and fps around next dc *. Repeat from * to *. End 1 dc in next 7 dc, 2 dc in next dc, join with slip stitch.

Rd 7 ch 2, fps around first dc, * 1dc in next 11 dc, Front Post  around next post *. Repeat from * to *. End 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next 9 dc, join with slip stitch.

Rd 8, ch 2, * Front Post around first post, 1dc in next 12 dc, 1 dc in next 10 dc, 2 dc in next dc, *.   Repeat from * to *. End 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in last dc. Join with slip stitch.  Fasten off Mistletoe.

Rd 9 attach green, ch 2,   Front Post stitch around first post, * 2 dc in next  dc, 1 dc in next 5 dc, 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next 5 dc, 2 dc in next dc, post around next post *. Repeat from * to * .  End Post  around next post, 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next 5, 1 dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next 2dc, join with slip stitch.

Rd 10  ch 2, 4 dc in same place, slip one dc, sc in next dc. * Skip in dc, 5dc in next dc, skip one dc, sc in next dc *. Repeat from * to * around, join with slip stitch.  Fasten off green.

 This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites,
lists, newsletters, nor copied. It is for your personal use only.

Merry Christmas Dishcloth

Merry Christmas Dishcloth   

Merry Christmas everyone, I hope your holidays are safe, fun and filled with lots of love, joy, peace, and happiness. Nina


G Hook

1 ball each Peaches & Creme Cotton Yarn  138 Mistletoe and 95 Red  (this is enough to make two dishcloths.)

With Mistletoe, chain 24.

Row 1: 1 sc in 2nd chain form hook, and in each chain across row, ch 2 turn.

Row 2: 1 dc in next sc, * ch1, skip 1 sc, 1 dc in next sc, repeat from * across row to last 2 sc, 1dc in next 2 sc, ch 1 turn.

Row 3: 1 sc in each sc and dc across row, 1 sc in top of turning chain,  ch 2, turn.
repeat rows 2 and 3 a total of 7 times., fasten off mistletoe, attach red.

Round 1: ch 2, 2 dc in same place, work 1 dc evenly spaced around cloth, placing 3 dc 
 in each corner, join to top of ch 2 with slip stitch, ch 2,

Round 2: 2 dc in same place, 1 dc evenly spaced around cloth, placing 3 dc in each corner, join to top of ch 2 with slip stitch, fasten off.

Merry Christmas Dishcloth 2009 @ N. L. Banks
This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted. It is for your personal use only.

Trio of Angels

Trio of Angels 
@2003 By N.L.Banks

1 ball Honeysuckle Article 2001 Cotton Metallic Dazzling Diamonds #401
1 ball America's Best Rayon Crochet Article #137 Vintage Gold #7
Size 4 crochet hook
3 3# wooden clothespins
1/8” wide red ribbon
1/8 lavender ribbon
Folkart Paint # 436 Engine Red just a dap
Folkart Paint #938 Licorice for eyes and mouth
Folkart Paint #901 Wicker White
Liner brush
# 8 Flat brush
Plastic paper plate to mix paint on
Glue gun, glue
Sewing needle, white sewing thread
1 pkg. Small mutli color and size beads
1 pkg. Small gold beading
1 pkg. Small silver beading
1 small red ribbon rose
1 small lavender beaded rose
3 small white doves
Use the 8 flat and mix white with a dab of red to make pink, paint head and shoulders of pin. set aside to dry. After dry, use the liner brush with Licorice, paint face on angels.

Angel Dress
ch 13, join to form ring.
Rd 1: ch 4, * skip 1 ch, 1 dc in next ch, ch 1, repeat from * around, join to ch 3, ch 3.
Rd 2: *2dc, ch 1, 2dc (shell made) in ch1 space, 1FPS around next dc, repeat from * around, join. (7 shells)
Divide for Wings:
Rd 3: slip stitch over to ch 1 sp, ch 3, 2dc, ch 2, 3dc in ch 1 space, (shell over shell), ch 1, FPS around next post, ch 1, 3dc, ch 2, 3dc in next ch 1 space (shell over shell made), ch 1, PFS around next post, ch 3, skip 2 shells, FPS around next post, ch 1, shell over shell, ch 3, skip 2 shells, FPS
Around next post, ch 1, join.

Rd 4: slip stitch over to ch 2, ( shell over shell, ch 1, FPS around post, ch 1, ) 2x, skip 1 ch, shell in next ch, ch 1, skip 1 ch, FPS around post, ch 1, shell over shell, ch 1, FPS around post, ch 1, skip 1 ch, shell in next ch, ch 1, skip 1 ch, FPS around post, ch 1, join. (5 shells)
Rds 5-9 slip stitch over to ch 2 sp, *shell over shell, ch 1, FPS around post, ch 1, repeat form * around, join, after rd 9, fasten off. NOTE: the 2 shells repeats are the front of the angel.
For wings: Left wing:
Rd 1: attach thread to wing at back of wing, ch 4, shell over shell, ch 1, FPS post, ch 1, shell over shell, ch 1, FPS around next post, ch 4, turn
Rd 2; shell over shell, ch1, BPS around post, ch1, shell over shell, ch 1, BPS around ch 4 of row 1, fasten off. Repeat for right wing, Note: for right wing, attach thread to front of wing.

Gold trim:
Attach rayon gold thread to any ch 2 sp of shell at back of dress, 3 sc in each ch 2 sp, sc in each dc of shell, in each ch 1 space, and top of post stitch around, join, fasten off. Repeat for each sleeve.

#1 Beaded Angel
Attach double knotted thread to any post on row 9, take several small stitches, thread 6 beads on needle, sew to next post forming a small loop, take another stitch or two to hold in place, repeat around dress. Attach knotted thread to center post at neck, thread 12 beads on needle, sew to post, forming loop, repeat once, fasten off. Run red ribbon through dc's on row 9, place dress on pin, tie ribbon in bow. Halo, sew 7 beads in a circle and glue to top of head.
#2 Rose Dove Angel.
Run red ribbon through dc's on row 1, put dress on pin and tie ribbon in knot, lay about 5 to 6 inches of gold beading on ribbon and tie, tie again, then tie in bow, glue small red rose on top on bow. Glue two doves to front of dress, and 1 to top of head.

# 3 Lavender Rose Angel
 Run lavender ribbon through dc's of row 1, put dress on pin, and tie ribbon in knot, lay about 5 to 6 inches of silver beading on ribbon and tie, tie again, then tie in bow, glue small lavender rose on top on bow. Glue about 9 beads of the silver beading in a circle and glue to top of head.
This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor copied. It is for your personal use only.

The At My House 11" Angel

The At My House 11" Angel 
@2000 By N. Banks

 5 crochet hook 
 1 ball honeysuckle thread-white Gold Thread
 2 cotton balls 
Gold Glitter Glue mixture (equal parts water and white glue) 
Flat board covered in plastic wrap 
Short piece of silver pipe cleaner 
 4 gold pipe cleaners ( you will have some left over) 
1 white pipe cleaner
 2 cloth covered thin wire (18 inches long- 26 gauge) 
silver beading 20 inches long 
1/4 or 1/2 ribbon 45 inches long 
1 inch flower to match ribbon
 glue gun foil white netting 

Stitches used
 s/p = same place sc = single crochet dc = double crochet bl = back loops s/s = slip stitch 

Head and yolk Ch 5 to form ring.

 Rd 1 ch3, 11 dc in ring. Join. 

 Rd 2 ch3, dc in each dc, join. (24 dc ) 

 Rd 3 ch 3, 1 dc in s/p, *1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc, repeat from * around. Join, (36dc). 

 Rd 4 ch3, 1 dc in s/p, * dc next 2dc together, 1 dc in next dc, repeat from * around, join, (24dc). 

 Rd 5 repeat row 4, (16dc). 

 Rd 6-7 1 sc in each dc around, join. 

 Rd 8 ch 3, 2dc in each sc around, (32dc). 

 Rd 9 ch 3, working in BL's this round only, 1 dc in s/p, *2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next, repeat from * around, join. (54dc). Divide for sleeves

 Rd 10 ch 3, 1 dc in s/p, 1 dc in next 9 dc, ch 3, skip 6 dc, 1 dc in next 21dc, ch 3, 1 dc in next 11 dc, join. 

 Rd 11 ch3, 1 dc in s/p, ch 2, 2 dc in s/p. *, skip 2 dc, 2dc, ch 2, 2dc (shell made) in next dc. Repeat from * around, join. 

 Rd 12- 16 s/s to center of shell, ch 3, 1 dc in s/p, ch 2, 2 dc in s/p. *in next shell work, 2dc, ch 2, 2dc in next dc, (shell made). Repeat from * around, join. 

 Rd 17 - 27. s/s to center of shell, ch 3, 1 dc in s/p, ch 2, 2 dc in s/p. *ch 1, shell over shell, repeat from * around. Fasten off white, join gold in any ch 2 space of shell. 

 Rd 18 ch 3, 1 dc in s/p, ch 2, 2 dc in s/p. (shell over shell made), * ch 1, 1 dc in ch 1 sp, ch 1, shell over next shell, repeat from * around, join. Rd 19 s/c to center of shell, shell over shell, *ch 1, in next dc, work 1 dc, ch 2, 1dc, ch 1, shell over next shell, repeat from * around. Fasten off gold. 

 Rd 1 attach gold to first unworked dc on rd 10, ch 1, 1 dc in s/p, 2 dc in next 6 dc, evenly space another 15 dc along the rest of the sleeve opening, join. 

 Rd 2 ch 3, 1 dc in s/p, and in each dc around, join.

 Rd 3 ch 3, dc next 2dc together 7x, 1 dc in next 14 next, join, 21 dc. 

 Rd 4-8 ch 3, 1 dc in s/p, and in each dc around, join. 

Rd 9 ch 3, 1 dc in s/p, ch 2, 2 dc in s/p. *, skip 2 dc, 2dc, ch 2, 2dc (shell made) in next dc. Repeat from * around, join. (7 shells) Rd 10, repeat row 9, fasten off. 

 Repeat row 1-10 for another sleeve. 

 To finish Angel 1. Stuff the two cotton balls into head. Take one white pipe cleaner, and bend in middle to form hands, and insert one end into each sleeve, and fasten under head. This will bring the sleeves into place. 

 2. Take the ribbon and fold in half. About 6 inches down, tie a knot in ribbon, place knot at the back of the head, and tie twice in front with a knot. Take silver beading and fold almost in half, and lay on top of knot on the ribbon, tie once, now tie ribbon in bow. 

 3. Take short piece of silver pipe cleaner to form halo, and glue halo to top of head. Glue flower to center of bow. Let dry. 

 For wings (please read all instructions first) 

 1. Take one piece of white wire and bend into wing shape, twist ends together. Repeat with other wire. Lay netting over wing shapes and cut out, leaving about 1/4 inch over wire. 

 2. Cover a flat surface with foil, and lay wires on it. Soak netting in glue mixture, then place on top of wires, spread netting evenly with fingertips. Sprinkle glitter over wings, let dry over night.

 3. Take the 4 pieces of gold pipe cleaner, and fasten them end to end.. With one wing, lay a row of glue on top of the wire, lay the gold pipe cleaner on top of the wing, cut to fit and press into place, repeat with other wing. (be careful, this is stick to any thing you lay it on, so after you lay the gold pipe cleaner on top of the wings, left them up and turn over, several times so they don't stick to anything including the foil. ) 

 4. Lay angel face down, with hanger pulled up above head, lay wings on third top of back of angel with wings touching. Glue in place. Let dry.

This pattern is copyrighted and may not be used on any other media, including websites, lists, etc. It is for your personal use only.

Toilet Tissue Drum

Toilet Tissue Drum  Cover
@1999  by N.L. Banks

Peaches & Crème Cotton Yarn by Elmore-Pisgah, Inc

     1 ball  Red  # 95
    ½ ball White #1
    ½ ball Green  #62
    about a yard or two of  Butterscotch #91
1 colored pipe cleaner 12 inches or so long
G hook

Note: ch 2 counts as 1 dc

Stitches used:  Single crochet, Double crochet

Rd 1 With White chain 4 to form ring, ch2, 12 dc in ring, slip stitch to top of ch 2.

Rd 2 ch 2, 1 dc in same place, 2 dc in each dc around. Join. (24dc,)  (ch 2 counts as 1 dc )

Rd: ch 2, 1dc in same place, *2dc in next 1 dc, 1 dc in next dc * . Repeat from * to * around, end 3 dc in last dc. Join.  (37dc) (ch 2 counts as 1 dc )

Rd 4  ch 2, 1 dc in same place, *2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next 2 dc, * . Repeat from * to * around. End 2 dc in last dc. Join. (49 dc).  Fasten off White. (ch 2 counts as 1 dc )

Rd 5,  attach Red, ch 1, working in back loops this round only, 1 sc in same place, and in each 1dc around. Join.

Rd 6 ch 2, working in both loops, 1dc in same place and in each sc around.

Rd 7-12 ch2, 1 dc in same place and in each dc around. Fasten off.

Rd 13  with White top facing away from you, attach Red to any unworked loop on row 5, ch 1, sc around. Fasten off.

Rd 14 with Green, chain 50 to form ring, ch 2, 1 dc in each chain around., join. Fasten off.   Sew the chain edge under round 13.

Rd 15, with Green, chain 50 to form ring, ch 2, 1dc in chain around, join. Fasten off. Sew the chain edge to bottom of cover (row 12).

Finishing drum

Starting with any dc on row 16, attach Butterscotch, skip 4 dc on row 15, ( /\/\/\  fashion) sew through both loops of next dc on row 15, * skip 8 dc on row 16, sew through both loops in next dc on row 16, skip 8 dc on row 15, sew through both loops of next dc on row 15 *. Repeat from * to * around twice. Fasten off. 

Drum Sticks:

  Cut pipe cleaner in half. Fold down one end about 1 ½ inches, then fold this part down again and twist it for the tips of the drum stick. Repeat for other stick. Tac both to the top of the drum, be sure and remove them before washing tissue cover.

 This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold or recopied without permission.  It is for your personal use only.


New Flannel shirt

I needed a warmer shirt and  I love the color Lavender, so I found some matching flannel material at JoAnn's and had fun making this shi...