Thursday, May 4, 2023

Elf Christmas Stocking November 2015 Pattern of the Month Machine Knit

November 2015 Pattern of the Month Machine Knit
Elf Christmas Stocking
@2012 by N. Banks

I wanted some useful patterns while I re-learned to knit on my knitting machine. This one pattern was a mistake and I liked it so much, I keep working with the pattern. Hope you enjoy it.

Sample knit on a Studio SK 700
 Singer Knitting machines are the same as the old studio machines. 

Materials needed:
Tamm 3 ply Astracryl in white (main), red or green.  (2nd color) or colors of your choice.
1 small bell
Red, Green or white ribbon ¼ wide about 1 yard.
Thread to match the main color of your sock.
Sewing needle
Yarn needle
Silver Reed Punch Card 254A

With Red, Green or White E-wrap cast on 60 stitches (30-0-30)

1: RC O: Tension 6.  Knit 5 rows, hang weights. I used four.

2:  Knit 32 rows.  COR. Be sure and move your weights up.

3: Ten 10, hang hem. Knit 1 row to left.

4: Ten 6, knit 2 row.

5:  Ten 7. COL. Starting from the left, transfer every 3rd stitch to next needle, having 2 needles at left and right ends in work.  Leave

Silver Reed Card #254A

empty needles in working position. You will have 2 stitches on left and 3 stitches on the ends. Knit 1 row to right.

6: Ten 6 knit 1 row to left.

7:  COL.  RCO. Ten 6. Insert Silver Reed card number 254A into the machine and set for Fair lsle (knit in) per manual page 24, order 1. Be sure and recheck your settings before you knit. Knit 1 row to the right.

8: COR Insert 2nd yarn into feeder and move weights up. Set machine as per manual to order number 2. Recheck your settings. If you get into a habit of this, it will save you a lot of headaches later on. Hold yarn with your hand while you move the carriage slowly to the left, attach yarn to the weights and remember to move your weights up.

9: RC0. Ten 6. Knit 47 rows. Remember to move your weights up.

10:  Cut 2nd yarn, set machine to plain knit and knit 2 rows.

11: E-wrap 2 needles each side of the carriage 4 times, for a total of 68 stitches. Move weights up each time.

12: RC 53. COR. E-wrap 12 stitches on carriage side two times for a total of 92 stitches. Re-hang weights at each end each time you add the 12 stitches.

13: RC 55. COR.  Knit 5 rows.

14: RC 60. COL. Transfer 1 stitch on carriage side to next working needle. Leave empty needle out of work. Be sure and move your weights up so you do not drop stitches, until you have a total of 80 stitches left. RC 71.

15: Bind off. Weave in the ends of the yarn. Sew bottom and sides together. Turn inside out.  Sew bell to top of toe.

16: Weave ribbon through the eyelets holes at top below the cuff and make a hanger, tie a bow to the front.

This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted. It is for your personal use

March 2015 Pattern of the Month Machine Knit

March 2015 Pattern of the Month Machine Knit

Knitting Machine Eyeglass case@ 2012 by N Banks

             This was knit on a Studio SK 700 standard machine.

I have been trying to find useful ways to relearn how to knit on my knitting machine, which I tucked away about 35 to 40 years ago. 

This pattern makes a padded case to fit a standard pair of glasses.
Silver Reed Card # 265
Tamm 3 ply Astracryl in white and lavender or two colors of your choice.
Fabric and matching thread to match your main yarn:

With white cast on with an e wrap  66 stitches (33-0-33).

Ten 7, RC O set machine to knit, be sure your latches are open.  Knit 9 rows. Hang weights, COL.

Inset card # 265,
1. Set machine order #1 as per manual (for Fair Isle or Knit it) , and knit one row to the right,

2. Set machine order #2 (page 24 of SK 700 Studio manual) (fair lsle). Be sure and add your second yarn to the feeder, (First time I tried this, I didn't add the second yarn and everything fall off the machine. So after a few more tries, tears and some not so nice words, I got it to working right, don't laugh, I am sure you have all had the same problems at times.) Also double check your settings for row 2 again. And of course I didn't and it would not knit for me when I was playing around with the machine.

RC O, knit 70 rows.

3. COL RC O, 

4. Remove 2nd yarn from feeder.

5. Set machine to plain knit. Be sure and check your settings again, if you don't have them right, your work will fall off the machine, just like mine did, lol.

6. Knit 10 rows. Bind off around gate posts.

7. Steam piece flat.

8. Lay knit piece flat with wrong side up and measure from side to side and from the top to the bottom of the design (not the white part at the top and bottom).  Cut fabric to this size.

9. Lay this piece of fabric on the wrong side of the knit piece and tack in place.

10. Steam top and bottom flaps (white parts) down so that only the design shows on the right side. Pin in place and sew down.

11. Pin center seam (sides) together matching top and bottom, sew in place.

12. Center the side seam in the middle of case at the back of the design and sew bottom closed. Turn right side out and stream lightly.

This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted. It is for your personal use only.

July 2020 Pattern of the Month Machine Knit


At My House

July 2020 Pattern of the Month Machine Knit


Lacy Machine Knit Hooded Scarf  With crocheted trim

© 2015 By N. Banks


Sample knit on an Studio SK 700 4.5 machine. This pattern is written for  beginners.



¼ pound 2/15 Acrylic Merle #2 Tan/off white or

¼ pound 2/17 Hi Bulk Acrylic both available from Stephanie's Studio & Yarn

D crochet hook

Silver Reed Card #3


Ten 8. Cast on 75 (37 – 0 – 38)

RC 0.  Set machine to plain knit.

Knit 10 rows. See below




Ten 10. COR. Starting on left side, move EON to next needle. Leave empty needles

in working position. Knit one row to the left.


Ten 8. RC 0. Knit 10 rows.

Ten 10. Hang hem. Knit 1 row to the right.

4.    Ten 8. Knit 1 row to the left.


1.     COL. Ten 8. RC 0. Insert card, set in order one as per manual.


2.     Knit one row to the right.


7. RC 0. Ten 8. Set in order two as per

    manual. See above. Starting from the left

   move every  4th needle to next needle. Knit 

   399 rows. Mark right side of row with

   yarn. Do not knit this marker. Just lay the

   yarn on the needle.


Note: If the pattern is not showing up, then recheck your machine settings. Be sure and check the side levers. It should look like this.


    the yarn marker after a few rows.


RC 0. Ten 8 knit 399 rows.


9.   Remove card, set machine to plain knit.

      Be sure and change the side levers too,

      For plain knitting they should look like

     this ?. Bring all needles into working

      position. RC 0. Ten 8. Knit 11 rows.


Move EON to next needle, COL. Leave

      empty needles in working position. Knit

      one row.


Ten 8. RC 0. Knit 10 rows.

Ten 10. Hang hem.  Knit one row. Bind off.


Hood. COR. Find yarn marker, with purl

       side facing you, measure 9 ½ inches on

       each side of yarn marker. Re-hang this 19

       inch span on machine with marker at the

      0. Should be 119 stitches.  (60 – 0 – 59 ).

RC 0. Ten 8. Set machine to plain knit,

      knit one row to the left. Insert Card

      number 3 into machine.


Scarf with hood attached


RC 0. Ten 8. Set machine in order 1 as

      per manual. Be sure and set the card on

      row 1.  See # 4 above. Knit one row

      to the right.


Set machine to Tuck in order 2 as per

      manual. Starting from the left move every

     4th needle to next needle. See # 4 above.

     RC 0. Ten 8.  Knit 179 rows.


Remove card from machine and set

machine to plain knit. Watch your side levers again. Put all needles to working position. Ten 9. knit 2 rows. Bind off to center 4 stitches. ( 2 – 0 – 2 ) Place 2 stitches to the right of 0 on top of the two stitches to the left of 0 and bind them off together. Bind rest of stitches off.


With the knit sides facing together, sew or crochet top of hood closed.


Using the D hook, single crochet across bottom of scarf, turn.


19. Row 1. Chain 3, 3 dc in base of ch 3, skip

      2 sc, sc in next sc, repeat from * to the

      end. Fasten off.

Repeat 18 and 19 for hooded scarf section.


This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted without permission. It is for your personal use only.

November 2017 Pattern of the Month Two Color Baby Vest

November 2017 Pattern of the Month Machine Knit

Two Color Baby Vest in two sizes with sleeve option
© 2015  by N Banks

This is a cute, quick, easy to make sleeveless vest with sleeve option for a 6 month and 12 month baby. Made in two colors using 2 ply baby yarn that you can get just about any where. No hem is used, so a ribber is not required. 
The neckline and bottom just roll up. This pattern is written for beginners. Vest shown above is the 6 month size., the 12 month size is the blue one with the pink trim. The one below is shown in the 12 month size. You can add the sleeves for a change for winter.

One ball or skein 2 ply baby yarn in solid and One ball or skein in a variegated to match your solid color. This will make one vest or one sweater. Or make them in two solid colors.

If you make both sizes, then you will need two skeins of the variegated yarn. I used Red Heart Baby Yarn in Baby Print for the variegated and Pastel Green for the solid color. Samples were made on a SK700. 4.5 m machine.

1. Pull 88 (96) needles to working position.
            6 mo.                        12 mo.
            88  Stitches              96 stitches.
            44 – 0- 44                48 – 0- 48

2. Starting on the 2nd needle on the left, push back every other needle to non working position.  

  3.  Cast on with e-wrap, and variegated yarn. Set machine to basic knit.

4. Ten 4, RC 0: Knit 
             6 rows               6 rows
     Don't forget to hang your weights and move them up.

5. COR. Pull all needles to working position.

6. Ten 4, with solid yarn, RC 0,    knit 
            10 rows            10 rows.

7. Attach variegated, cut solid yarn. Move your weights up.

8. Ten 6. RC 0,    knit
            50 rows             58 rows.
 Place a yarn marker at each end of knitting.

 9. Ten 6 RC 0, COR, knit
           44 rows             52 rows.

10. Change to solid. Ten 4.0  COR.
Starting on the 2nd needle on the left, push back every other needle to non working position.
You will have two needles at the end on the right side in working position..

11. Knit 14 rows both sizes.

12. Ten 4, RC 0, Change to variegated and  knit 4 rows. Bind off.

13. Make two alike. The top is the smaller, shorter solid trim. With right sides together, sew from the bottom up to the yarn markers, these are the arm hole openings. If you are making it with the  sleeves, do not crochet around them.

14. For shoulder seams, with main color sew across the top beginning at the outside shoulder for two inches from the shoulder,  leaving the center open for the head.
15. Starting at under arms, with main color, single crochet around arm hole edges, then single crochet around neck and bottom of vest.

1. Pull 64 (66) needles to working position.
            6 mo.                        12 mo.
            72  Stitches              76 stitches.
            36 – 0- 36                38 – 0- 38

Starting on the 2nd needle on the left, push back every other needle to non working position. See Diagram at 2 above.

2. Cast on with e-wrap, and variegated yarn. Set machine to basic knit. See diagram at 3 above.

3. Ten 4, RC 0: Knit 
             6 rows               6 rows
     Don't forget to hang your weights and move them up.

4. COR. Pull all needles to working position.

5. Ten 4, with solid yarn, RC 0,    knit 
            10 rows            10 rows.

6. Ten 6. RC 0,    knit
            78 rows             92 rows.

7. Bind off, make two alike.

1. Fold sleeve in half, and at the top, mark the center with a pin. With right sides facing,
pin the center of sleeve to the center at the shoulder, pin sleeve to armhole opening.

2. Pin sides together at opening, under sleeves. See picture below.

3. Sew seams together, then sew the sleeve to  the cuff together. 

This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted without permission. It is for your personal use only.

New Flannel shirt

I needed a warmer shirt and  I love the color Lavender, so I found some matching flannel material at JoAnn's and had fun making this shi...