Saturday, October 17, 2015

Feather Stitch 2 November 2013 Stitch of the Month

At My House

November 2013 Stitch of the Month Knit

Feather Stitch 2 

Multiples of  7 + 2

Row 1: Knit to end of row.

Row 2: Purl to end of row.

Row 3:    k2. *yo, p1, p3 tog. P1, yo, k2. Repeat from * to end of row.

Row 4:  Purl to end of row.

Repeat rows 1 to 4 for pattern until desired length.





New Flannel shirt

I needed a warmer shirt and  I love the color Lavender, so I found some matching flannel material at JoAnn's and had fun making this shi...