Thursday, November 17, 2022

Knits & Purls Dishcloth January 2014 Pattern of the Month Knit

January 2014 Pattern of the Month Knit

 Knits & Purls Dishcloth @2012 by N. Banks

2 Ball Peaches &Crème Cotton Yarn, any colors
Size 10 Knitting needles for large size
Size 7 Knitting Needles for small size
2 markers
1 row counter

With size 10 needles, cast on 34 stitches. Place markers after the first 3 stiches and before the last 3 stitches.

Row 1 & 3: K1, P1, K1

Row 2: P1, k1, P1                        

Start Pattern:

Row 1: wrong side P1, k1, P1, purl across to next marker, K1, P1, K1.

Row 2:  K1, P1, K1,  * K 6, p 1; repeat from * to next marker, P1, k1, P1.

Row 3: P1, k1, P1, * K 2, p 5; repeat from * to to next marker, K1, P1, K1.

Row 4: K1, P1, K1, * K 4, p 3; repeat from * to next marker, P1, k1, P1.

Row 5: P1, k1, P1,  * K 4, p 3; repeat from * to to next marker, K1, P1, K1.

Row 6: K1, P1, K1, * K 2, p 5; repeat from * to next marker, P1, k1, P1.

Row 7: P1, k1, P1,  * K 6, p 1; repeat from * to to next marker, K1, P1, K1.

Row 8: K1, P1, K1, * K 1, p 6; repeat from * to next marker, P1, k1, P1.

Row 9: P1, k1, P1,  * K 5, p 2; repeat from * to to next marker, K1, P1, K1.

Row 10:  K1, P1, K1, * K 3, p 4; repeat from * to next marker, P1, k1, P1.

Row 11: P1, k1, P1,  * K 3, p 4; repeat from * to next marker, K1, P1, K1.

Row 12: K1, P1, K1, * K 5, p 2; repeat from * to next marker, P1, k1, P1.

Row 13: P1, k1, P1,  * K 1, p 6; repeat from * to next marker, K1, P1, K1.

Row 14: - K1, P1, K1, knit to next marker, P1, k1, P1.


Rows 1,3, 5: P1, k1, across row.

Rows 2, 4:    K1, P1, across row.

Work rows 2 to 14 once more, then:

Rows 1, 3:   P1, K1 across row

Row 2:         K1, P1 across row

Bind off in pattern (row 1), weave in the ends.

This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted. It is for your personal use only.

New Flannel shirt

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