Monday, February 1, 2016

Dessert Mash-Ups

Dessert Mash-Ups by Dorothy Kern

I won this book off Goodreads and I love it.  The book is about taking your everyday baking recipes for desserts and mixing it with another one,  I really liked  the idea, so I started reading and was not disappointed by any of the many recipes in the book.
 Who wouldn’t love Blueberry muffin waffles, Lemon Merinque Pie Fudge, and Cheesecake Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles? Or how about Truffle Topped Brownies? Or Peanut Butter Cookie Cake?  Sounds hard, but they are not. She gives you easy to follow step by step directions for each and every recipe.
Dorothy also give a list of baking equipment, ingredient tips and substitutions along with a great sense of humor. I loved this book. There are sections on cakes, pies, candy, and more. If you love to bake, then this is one you must have.  She also has a website/blog with a free newsletter that you can sign up for and get even more great tasting recipes at You can order the book from her too.

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