Sunday, December 27, 2020

Bookmark #5

               Bookmark #5 

                  2002 by N Banks 

  Size 10 thread, any color 
 1/4 inch wide Ribbon 
 7 crochet hook

 Rw 1 chain 10, 7 dc in first ch. Ch5, turn.

 Rw 2 skip 2 dc, 1dc in next dc, (ch 2, skip 1dc, 1 dc in next dc) twice, ch 4, 7 dc under loop, ch 5, turn.

Rw 3 skip 2 dc, 1dc in next dc, (ch 2, skip 1dc, 1 dc in next dc) twice, ch 4, 7 dc under ch 4 loop of last row worked, ch 5, turn. 

 Repeat row 3, 19 times, ending last row with 7dc under loop, do not turn. 

 Rw 4 ch 6, 1 sc under ch-5 at end of next ch 5 space, (pattern) (see bookmark) , * ch 7, 1sc under next ch-5 , repeat from * to beg of ch 6, join with slip stitch, fasten off. 

 Weave ribbon in and out of center of bookmark. 

 This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted. It is for your personal use only


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