Monday, November 12, 2012

The Black Box

I was sitting on the love seat when he came in. He loaded the big black gun from the bottom, and pulled the top of it back, putting a shell in the chamber, then laid the gun on the trunk. I stood up to leave, he picked it up and pointed at me. I sat down. He laid the gun back down on the trunk. I stood up to leave, he picked it up and pointed at me. I sat down. He laid the gun back down on the trunk. Every time I stood up, he picked that gun up and pointed at me and every time I sat down he put the gun back down on that old trunk. It felt like it when on for hours. Finally I walked off, afraid that he would shoot me in the back and blame one of the kids. I went into the bedroom and cried. I still have that old trunk, him I kicked out not to long after that.

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