Friday, December 20, 2013

Strawberries & Cream Potholders

Strawberries & Cream Potholders

@1998 by N. L. Banks


This is the last of the set, the potholder, I noticed that I had not put it up, so hope you enjoy it.

Peaches and Cream by Elmore-Pisgah, Inc.

 3 balls White #1
 3 ball Strawberry Cream # 144
 G hook

with White, ch 27

Row 1   hdc in 3 ch from hook, hdc across row, turn.

Row 2-20  ch 2, hdc across row, turn. At end of row 20, fasten off white.

Repeat rows 1-20 with Strawberry crème, do not fasten off after row 20.

Row 21  holding the two pieces together, ch 1, sc around, placing 3 sc in each corner. Join with slip stitch.

Row 22  ch 2, hdc around placing 3 hdc in each corner, fasten off.

For second potholder, make both front and back of white, then do rows 21 and 22 with the strawberry creme.  Fasten off and weave the ends in.

This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted. It is for your personal use only.




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