Friday, January 6, 2023

Review: Inventive Weaving on a Little Loom: Discover the Full Potential of the Rigid-Heddle Loom, for Beginners and Beyond

Inventive Weaving on a Little Loom: Discover the Full Potential of the Rigid-Heddle Loom, for Beginners and Beyond Inventive Weaving on a Little Loom: Discover the Full Potential of the Rigid-Heddle Loom, for Beginners and Beyond by Syne Mitchell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you are wanting to learn to weave with a rigid heddle loom, this book is the first book you need. Filled with lots of information, patterns, pictures, where to buy looms, and more books on weaving.
Great book.

View all my reviews

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