Monday, March 18, 2019

March 2017 Pattern of the Month Machine Knit Tea Towel Topper and matching Soap Bottle Apron

At My House
March 2017 Pattern of the Month Machine Knit
Tea Towel Topper and matching Soap Bottle Apron
© 2015 By N Banks


                                                                                  Sample was made on a SK700 4.5 machine.

Tamm 3 ply Astracry in
Blue Yarn Color # C1264
White Color # C1201
Sewing machine or hand sew
2 one inch buttons in blue or white
1 tea towel, cut in half and hemmed, with two rows of gathering stitches at top
Silver Reed Card # 249A
2 1 inch pieces of Velcro
Thread to match your colors

Soap Bottle Apron (to fit a 30 fl oz bottle)

With blue cast on with e-wrap 37 stitches.  (18 – 0 – 19)

1. Set machine to plain knit, ten. 7. K 10 R.    hang weights.

2. COR: cut blue yarn. Change to white.

3. Knit 1 row to left. Starting at left move every other stitch to the right Leave needles in working position. (WP).

4. Ten 8. Knit 1 row to right.

5. Ten 7. Knit one row to left. Cut white, attach blue. RC 0

6. Knit 9 rows. Hang hem. Ten. 8. Knit 1 row to left.  Remember to move weights up.

7. Insert Silver Reed Card 249A into machine, and set machine to order 1. RC 0. Ten 7.
8. Knit one row to the right.

9. Attach white yarn, and set machine to order  2 as shown above. Knit 20 rows.

10. Mark sides with contrast yarn, and move 1 stitch at each end to the next stitch. Leave needles out
of work. Knit 5 rows & repeat   the decreases until you have 29 stitches left. Remember to move the weights up.

11. Put 2 stitches out of work at each end by  moving them in over to the next 2 needles.
Leave needles out of work, move weights  up and knit 10 rows.

12. Cut white yarn, remove card and set  machine to plain knit.

13. RC 0 knit 5 rows. Staring on left, move every other stitch to next needle, leave needles in working

14. Ten 8, knit 1 row to left.  Ten 7, knit 4 rows. Hang hem by picking up the first row of blue above the last row of white,  knit 1 row.  Bind off all stitches. Work in loose threads and steam piece lightly.
15. With wrong side facing you, pick up 2 stitches at top right and re-hang. Attach blue and knit 35 rows. Hold piece down with your left hand as you knit. Re-hang two stitches on the left side of apron on top of the first two stitches and bind off all. Weave in the loose threads. This is the neck opening of the apron.

16. With wrong side facing you, re-hang at first marker on 2 stitches, attach blue and knit 50 rows, bind off. Repeat at other marker. These are the ties for the apron. Work in loose threads. Place on soap bottle.

Towel Topper

With White cast on with e-wrap 61 stitches. (30 – 0 – 31)

1. Set machine to plain knit, ten. 7. K 10 R. hang weights.

2. COR: cut white yarn. Change to blue.

3. Knit 1 row to left. Starting at left move   every other stitch to the right. Leave needles in working position. (WP).

4. Ten 8. knit 1 row to right.

5. Ten 7. knit one row to left. Cut blue,  attach white. RC 0

6. Knit 9 rows. Hang hem. Ten. 8. Knit 1 row to left.  Remember to move weights up.

7. Insert Silver Reed Card 249A into machine, and set machine to order 1. RC 0. Ten 7.
    Below diagram below.
8. Knit one row to the right.

9. Attach blue yarn in yarn feeder A and put white in yarn feeder B. Set machine to order 2 as shown above. Knit 10 rows.

10. On this row only mark 1 st each side of 0 with yarn on wrong side of work (side facing you) for Velcro and button placement with another color of yarn.

11.  On each end move 2 stitches to next 2 needles in on both sides and leave needles out of work. 

12. Knit 4 rows. Repeat steps 11 and 12 until 21 stitches remain

13. Knit 20 rows.

14. Cut white yarn, set machine to plain knit. RO 0: knit 8 rows, bind off.

15. Steam piece lightly.  Mark center towel topper at where you hung the hem and tea towel. Gather tea towel to topper with centers matching. Hand or machine sew in place.

16. Sew one side of Velcro to center of blue at top of topper, sew the other side of Velcro at center area on marked row. Sew button on same area of this piece of Velcro on front. Repeat for second towel.

This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted without permission. It is for your personal use only.

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