Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Lace Stitch Knitting Sampler Last Stitch, 24


Lace Stitch Knitting Sampler

 This is the last stitch for this project, 24 stitches total
total, sorry it's taken me so long to get these on the site.

Lace Stitch Knitting Sampler  

Note: Lace stitch 24 is now on the Blog, last stitch
Above is the finished scarf

I have decided to start posting the lace sampler to my blog. This sample has been an on going project on my knitting and crochet list since mid 2018. I will post a new stitch each month for at least 16 to 17 months or more. Hope you enjoy it. You will find each new stitch under the heading for Lace Stitch Knitting Sampler and listed below this posting are the past stitches.  

Materials Needed

1 row counter
2 stitch markers
1 pair Size 9 knitting needles 
Red Heart Designer Sport weight yarn two or more skeins in a very light color so that the stitches will show up nice.
1 U shaped cable needle

Knitting notes: Please read all directions first before starting the Lace Project.

1.   I am using 3101 Ivory. It is easier to see the stitches using a light color.

2.   I use a U shaped cable needle with the stitches, they do not fall off as easy as the other kinds.

3.   The multiples of lace stitches being worked between edge stitches will be different for each lace stitch, the edge stitch markers will be moving through out the lace project. So please remember to remove or add them as I say in each lace stitch pattern.
4.   All patterns start on the right side of your knitting, if your next pattern does not start on the right side, knit one more row.

5.   I will try and add a new stitch each month until the end of the project. At this point, I do not know when this  will end. I am up to
lace stitch 18. I have posted four so far. (see below).

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