Saturday, February 1, 2025

February 2023 Stitch Of the Month Knit

                                               At My House

February 2023 Stitch Of the Month Knit


Trinity Stitch

muItiples of 4 sts + 2


For sample cast on 22  ( 4 x 5 + 2 = 22)


Row 1 : (right side): Purl.

Row 2 : K1, *M3, p3tog; rep from * to last st, k1.

Row 3 : Purl.

Row 4 : K1, *p3tog, M3; rep from * to last st, k1.


Repeat these 4 rows for the pattern or until desired length




Sunday, January 19, 2025

crazy mug rugs

 Two more what I call crazy mug rugs, bigger at about 8 inches square, Christmas gifts this year. The backing and binding are the same. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

January 2023 Pattern of the Month Knit Fashion Doll Ensemble 2


An At My House Pattern

January 2023 Pattern of the Month Knit

This Pattern is from Workbasket #12 Volume 28 September 1963. 

Fashion Doll Ensemble 2 


This 4-piece outfit would be a welcome addition to any teen-age doll wardrobe. It consists of a swagger-type coat with deep turn-back cuffs, an open crown hat, straight skirt topped with a cardigan that has an eyelet yoke.


Nylon or baby wool yarn in any desired color may be used. Four double-pointed knitting needles size 2, one pair size 2 standard  knitting needles and a size 6 crochet hook are needed.

Directions are given for a 10-12 inch doll.


k (knit)                              Inc (increase)

p (purl)                              Y0 (yarn over)

St (stitch)                           Sc (single crochet)

tog (together)                        ch (chain)

dec (decrease)                        rd (round)

-Beginning at hem, cast on 60 sts with single-pointed needles.

K 1 row. Work 10 rows in garter st (k each row).  

Keeping 6 sts at each edge in garter st, work remaining 48 sts in stockinette st (k 1 row, p 1 row) until piece measures 41/2 inches).      

Right Front: K 16 sts, place remaining 44 sts on holder.

Work in stockinette st on these 16 sts, keeping border sts in garter st, until piece measures 1 1/4 inches, ending at armhole edge. Bind off 10 sts and place 6 border sts on holder.

Left Front: Pick up first 16 sts from holder and work to correspond withright front, keeping the 6 border sts in garter st.

Back: Place remaining 28 sts from - holder onto needle. Bind off 1 st at each armhole edge.

Work even in stockinette st until back measures same as front.

Bind off 10 sts at beginning of next 2 rows (6 border sts left On needle). Sew shoulder seams.

Collar: Place 6 left front border sts from holder onto needle pickand k 3 sts at neck shoulder edge, k 6 back sts left on needle, pick upand k 3 sts at right shoulder edge, pick up 6 right front border sts from holder and k (24 sts). Work in garter st for 10 rows. Bind off.

Sleeve (Make 2): Pick up and k 25 sts at armhole edge. Divide sts  between 3 double-pointed needles (8, 8, 9).   

Work in stockinette st (k each st) until, sleeve measures 11/2 inches

Next rnd: P each st.

Cuff:  Work 10 rows in garter st  (k 1 row, p 1 row). Bind off Fold cuffs back

Pockets (Make 2): Using single pointed needles, cast On 12 sts.

Work 8 rows in garter St (k each row).       

Row 9: K. each st

Row 10: K 4, p 4, k 4.

Row 11: K each st

Repeat rows 9 through 11. Work 8 more rows in garter St.  Bind off.

Sew pockets in position as shown in sketch. Small felt or artificial flowers may be sewn on left lapel, if desired.           

Hat. Begin at lower edge, cast on 27 sts. Divide sts among 3 needles and join, being careful not to twists sts.

Next Rnd: P each st. Work next 16 rnds in garter st  (k 1 rnd, p 1 md).

Dec Rnd: * K 1, p 2 tog, repeat from * around.

Next Rnd: P each st Bind off. Turn lower edge of hat up 2 ridges and  tack in position. Small flowers can be added as shown in sketch, if desired.

Skirt: Beginning at hemline, cast On 44 sts. Divide sts among 3  needles (14, 15, 15). Join, being careful not to twist sts.

 Rnd 1: Place marker on needle, k 22 sts, place marker on needle (markers indicate side seams), k 22 sts.

Next 2 rnds: K around.

Next Rnd: P around (forms hemline).

Now work in stockinette St (k each rnd) until piece measures 21/4  inches.

Dec Rnd: K 2 tog, k 10, place marker for back opening, k 10, k 2 tog, k to end of rnd. Continue in stockinette st, dec 1 st before each side seam marker every third rnd until 30 sts remain and at the same time when skirt measures 31/2 inches, start back opening as follows: k 1 row, turn, p back for next row. Repeat  alternate rows of k and p until piece measures 4 inches. Bind off,  leaving yarn joined for finishing waistband.

Finishing: With crochet hook, Sc down left back opening, ch 1, turn, Sc back up left side and continue making sc around waist and down right side opening. At bottom, ch 1, turn, Sc back up right side,  Sc around waist again, Sc down left back opening, and finish at  bottom of left back. Fasten off.

 Tack back opening in position and sew small snaps at waistband. Turn hem up at hemline and sew.

Cardigan: Beginning at neck edge, cast on 23 sts.

Row 1: * K 1, p 1, repeat from * across.

Row 2: * P 1, k 1, repeat from * across.

Row 3: * K 1, p 1, repeat from * across.

Row 4: (Right side)-K 2, * inc 1 st in next st, k 2, repeat from * across (30 sts).

Row 5: P across.

Row 6: * K 2, 0, k 2 tog, repeat from * across row.

 Row 7: P across.

Row 8: K across.

Row 9: P across.

 Row 10: * K 1, inc 1 st in next st, repeat from * across row, ending  with k 2~(44 sts).

Row 11: P across.

Row 12: K 1, * 0, k 2 tog, k 2, repeat from * across row, ending  with k 2, 0, k 2 tog, k 1.

Row 13: P across.

Row 14: K across.

Row 15: P 7, place next 10 sts on holder for sleeve, cast on 4 sts, p 10 cast on 4 sts, place next 10 sts on holder for second sleeve,  p.7 (32 Sts on needle).

 Row 16: K across.

 Continue in stockinette st on these 32 sts until piece measures 1 inch from east on sts.

Next Row: * K 5, k 2 tog, repeat from  across row, ending with k b4 (28 sts).

Work next three rows in ribbing of kl p1. Bind off.

Sleeves: With double - pointed needles, pick up and k 5 sts at underarm.

Divide 10 sts on holder between 2 needles-there are 3 needles, each having 5 sts.

Work 4 rnds in stockinette st (k each rnd).

Next rnds  Dec 1 st at center underarm.

 Work next 4 rnds in k 1, p 1 ribbing Bind off.

Work a second sleeve in same manner.

Finishing: With crochet hook, sc down each front edge. Sew on 4 small snaps evenly spaced and 4 seed pearls for buttons.



Friday, January 10, 2025

Christmas Wrap Square Tissue Box Cover August 2016 Pattern of the Month Crochet

August 2016 Pattern of the Month Crochet
Christmas Wrap Square Tissue Box Cover
© 1999  by N Banks

Peaches & Crème by Elmore-Pisgah, Inc
   1 ball Green   #62     1 ball Mistletoe # 138     ½ ball Red #95
8 cloth covered thin wire 18” long, 26 gauge, (available at Wal-Marts)
G hook

Stitches used:       Single crochet, Half Double crochet
Rd 1:  With Green chain 16 to form ring, ch 1, 2 sc in same place, 1 sc in next 3, ch, 3 sc in next ch, 1sc in next 3 ch, 3 sc in next ch, 1 sc in next 3 ch, 3 sc in next ch, 1 sc in next 3, join with slip stitch.

Rd 2:  ch 1,  3 sc in same place, 1 sc in next 4 sc, 3 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 5 sc, 3 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 5 sc, 3 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 5 sc, join.

Rd 3:  ch 1, 1 sc in sp, 3 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 6 sc, 3 sc in next sc, 1sc in next 7 sc, 3 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 7 sc, 3 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 6 sc, join.

Rd 4:  ch 1, 1 sc in same place, 3 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 9 sc, 3 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 9 sc, 3 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 9 sc, 3 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 6   sc. Join.

Rd 5:  ch 1, 1 sc in same place, 1 sc in next 2 sc, 3 dhc in next sc, 1 sc in next 10 sc, 3 dhc in next sc, 1 sc in next 11sc, 3 hdc in next sc, 1 sc in next 11 sc, 3 hdc in next sc, 1 sc in next 7 sc, join.

Rd 6:   ch 1, 1 sc in same place, 1 sc in next 3 sc, 3 hdc in next stitch, 1 sc in next 12 sc, 3 hdc in next stitch, 1 sc in next 13 sc, 3 hdc in next stitch, 1 sc in next 13 sc, 3 hdc in next stitch,  1 sc in next  8 sc, join.

Rd 7: Ch 1, 1 sc in each stitch around, join

Rd 8:  ch 1, working in back loops this round only, hdc in each stitch around, join.

Rd 9:  ch 2, working in ridge BELOW back loops, hdc around, join.

Rd 10: Repeat row 9.

Rds 11 to 12: ch 1, working in both loops, sc around, join.

Rd 13:  repeat round 8.

Rds 14 to 16: Repeat round 9.

Rds 17 to 18: repeat round 11.

Rd 19:  repeat round 8.

Rds 20 to 22: repeat round 9. Try cover on tissue box and see if its long enough, if not repeat round 7 once. Fasten off green.

Side pieces, make 4
With mistletoe chain 6, 1 hdc in 3rd ch from hook, 1 hdc in each ch across row, turn,

Rows 1 to 18: ch 2, 1 hdc in each hdc across row, fasten off after row 18.
Attach red to beg hdc (top) , ch 1, sc around to other side of top, do not crochet across top, fasten off.
Finishing ribbon. Sew top of ribbon to any side of box at the top, of opening, and at the bottom of the same side. Repeat with other 3 ribbons.

Rd 1: With mistletoe, ch 6, 1 hdc in 3rd ch from hook, 1 hdc in each ch across row, turn,

Rows 2 to 22: ch 2, 1 hdc in each hdc across row, fasten off after row 22.

Twist two pieces of wire together to form a longer wire.

Attach red to beg hdc (top) , ch 1, holding the piece of wire, sc around to other side of top enclosing the wire, do not crochet across top, fasten off red and cut excess wire. Sew to top of ribbon on box forming a loop as seen in picture.
Repeat for 3 other top pieces.

This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted without permission. It is for your personal use only.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Amy's Pineapple Bookmark

Amy's Pineapple Bookmark  @1999 By N.L. Banks

America's Best Crochet Thread
Size 10 Thread, Denim @28 a few yard
Size 7 hook

Rd 1 ch 6 to form ring, ch 2, 18 dc in ring.

Rd 2 ch3, 3dc in same place, 24 times.
Rd 3 ch 3, 8 dc in same place, turn.
Rd 4 ch 3, 1 dc in same place, 2 dc in each dc across, turn.
Rd 5 ch 4, *1 dc in next dc, ch 1, repeat from * across, turn.
Rd 6 ch 3, 1dc , ch2, 2 dc in same place, skip first ch 1 sp *ch 3, sc in next ch 1, repeat from * across, end ch 3, skip one dc, in last dc, work 2dc, ch2, 2dc, turn.
Rd 7 s/s to ch 2 space, work 2dc, ch 2, 2dc, (shell made) , * ch 3, sc in first ch 3 space, repeat from * across, end shell over shell, turn.
Rd 8-13 repeat row 7, having one less ch 3 loop each time, till no loops left, turn.

Rd 14 s/s to ch 2 space, shell over shell, ch 2, shell over shell, fasten off, weave in thread.
This pattern is copy righted and may not be copied to any other media, including web sites. This pattern may be used for personal use only.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

January 2023 Stitch of the Month Crochet


At My House 

January 2023 Stitch of the Month Crochet

Based on an even numbers of stitches, for an afghan chain 16,  for a dishcloth, chain 26.

 Row 1   1sc in 2nd chain for hook, * 1 hdc in next ch, 1 sc in next ch, repeat from * across row, ch 1, turn.

Row 2  1 sc in each sc and 1hdc in each hdc across row, ch 1,  turn.

Repeat row 2 for pattern.

For afghan, do 13 rows, repeat until square for the dishcloth.

February 2023 Stitch Of the Month Knit

                                               At My House February 2023 Stitch Of the Month Knit   Trinity Stitch muItiples of 4 s...