An At My House Pattern
January 2023 Pattern of the Month Knit
This Pattern is
from Workbasket #12 Volume 28 September 1963.
Fashion Doll
Ensemble 2
This 4-piece outfit
would be a welcome addition to any teen-age doll wardrobe. It consists of a
swagger-type coat with deep turn-back cuffs, an open crown hat, straight skirt
topped with a cardigan that has an eyelet yoke.
Nylon or baby wool yarn
in any desired color may be used. Four double-pointed knitting needles size 2,
one pair size 2 standard knitting needles and a
size 6 crochet hook are needed.
Directions are given
for a 10-12 inch doll.
k (knit) Inc (increase)
p (purl) Y0 (yarn over)
St (stitch) Sc (single crochet)
tog (together) ch (chain)
dec (decrease) rd (round)
-Beginning at hem, cast
on 60 sts with single-pointed needles.
K 1 row. Work 10 rows
in garter st (k each row).
Keeping 6 sts at each
edge in garter st, work remaining 48 sts in stockinette st (k 1 row, p 1 row)
until piece measures 41/2 inches).
Right Front: K 16 sts,
place remaining 44 sts on holder.
Work in stockinette st
on these 16 sts, keeping border sts in garter st, until piece measures 1 1/4
inches, ending at armhole edge. Bind off 10 sts and place 6 border sts on
Left Front: Pick up
first 16 sts from holder and work to correspond withright front, keeping the 6
border sts in garter st.
Back: Place remaining
28 sts from - holder onto needle. Bind off 1 st at each armhole edge.
Work even in
stockinette st until back measures same as front.
Bind off 10 sts at
beginning of next 2 rows (6 border sts left On needle). Sew shoulder seams.
Collar: Place 6 left
front border sts from holder onto needle pickand k 3 sts at neck shoulder edge,
k 6 back sts left on needle, pick upand k 3 sts at right shoulder edge, pick up
6 right front border sts from holder and k (24 sts). Work in garter st for 10
rows. Bind off.
Sleeve (Make 2): Pick
up and k 25 sts at armhole edge. Divide sts
between 3 double-pointed needles (8, 8, 9).
Work in stockinette st
(k each st) until, sleeve measures 11/2 inches
Next rnd: P each st.
Cuff: Work 10 rows in garter st (k 1 row, p 1 row). Bind off Fold cuffs back
Pockets (Make 2): Using
single pointed needles, cast On 12 sts.
Work 8 rows in garter
St (k each row).
Row 9: K. each st
Row 10: K 4, p 4, k 4.
Row 11: K each st
Repeat rows 9 through
11. Work 8 more rows in garter St. Bind
Sew pockets in position
as shown in sketch. Small felt or artificial flowers may be sewn on left lapel,
if desired.
Hat. Begin at lower
edge, cast on 27 sts. Divide sts among 3 needles and join, being careful not
to twists sts.
Next Rnd: P each st.
Work next 16 rnds in garter st (k 1 rnd,
p 1 md).
Dec Rnd: * K 1, p 2
tog, repeat from * around.
Next Rnd: P each st
Bind off. Turn lower edge of hat up 2 ridges and tack in position. Small flowers can be added
as shown in sketch, if desired.
Skirt: Beginning at
hemline, cast On 44 sts. Divide sts among 3 needles (14, 15, 15). Join, being careful not
to twist sts.
Rnd 1: Place marker on
needle, k 22 sts, place marker on needle (markers indicate side seams), k 22
Next 2 rnds: K around.
Next Rnd: P around
(forms hemline).
Now work in stockinette
St (k each rnd) until piece measures 21/4 inches.
Dec Rnd: K 2 tog, k 10,
place marker for back opening, k 10, k 2 tog, k to end of rnd. Continue in
stockinette st, dec 1 st before each side seam marker every third rnd until 30
sts remain and at the same time when skirt measures 31/2 inches, start back opening
as follows: k 1 row, turn, p back for next row. Repeat alternate rows of k and
p until piece measures 4 inches. Bind off, leaving yarn joined for finishing waistband.
Finishing: With crochet
hook, Sc down left back opening, ch 1, turn, Sc back up left side and continue
making sc around waist and down right side opening. At bottom, ch 1, turn, Sc
back up right side, Sc around waist
again, Sc down left back opening, and finish at bottom of left back. Fasten off.
Tack back opening in
position and sew small snaps at waistband. Turn hem up at hemline and
Cardigan: Beginning at
neck edge, cast on 23 sts.
Row 1: * K 1, p 1,
repeat from * across.
Row 2: * P 1, k 1,
repeat from * across.
Row 3: * K 1, p 1,
repeat from * across.
Row 4: (Right side)-K
2, * inc 1 st in next st, k 2, repeat from * across (30 sts).
Row 5: P across.
Row 6: * K 2, 0, k 2 tog,
repeat from * across row.
Row 7: P across.
Row 8: K across.
Row 9: P across.
Row 10: * K 1, inc 1 st
in next st, repeat from * across row, ending
with k 2~(44 sts).
Row 11: P across.
Row 12: K 1, * 0, k 2
tog, k 2, repeat from * across row, ending
with k 2, 0, k 2 tog, k 1.
Row 13: P across.
Row 14: K across.
Row 15: P 7, place next
10 sts on holder for sleeve, cast on 4 sts, p 10 cast on 4 sts, place next 10
sts on holder for second sleeve, p.7 (32
Sts on needle).
Row 16: K across.
Continue in stockinette
st on these 32 sts until piece measures 1 inch from east on sts.
Next Row: * K 5, k 2
tog, repeat from across row, ending with
k b4 (28 sts).
Work next three rows in
ribbing of kl p1. Bind off.
Sleeves: With double -
pointed needles, pick up and k 5 sts at underarm.
Divide 10 sts on holder
between 2 needles-there are 3 needles, each having 5 sts.
Work 4 rnds in
stockinette st (k each rnd).
Next rnds Dec 1 st at center underarm.
Work next 4 rnds in k
1, p 1 ribbing Bind off.
Work a second sleeve in
same manner.
Finishing: With crochet
hook, sc down each front edge. Sew on 4 small snaps evenly spaced and 4 seed
pearls for buttons.