Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Been Busy!

I haven't posted in awhile, been busy making hats for the Country Knitting of Maine's hats (see early post). Have some done, want to do one more. I love to knit, and this way I can knit to my little hearts desire.

Also have been making patterns for my knitting and crochet list on yahoo. Have all of 2011 done, and about half of 2012. Need to get busy and finish them for the year.

It's turning hot now where I live and I hate this weather, I really like it cooler.

I will get some more recipes up, mine and my mom's.

1 comment:

breakmydreams said...

Would love to see pictures of the projects you have completed :)

Light House Ski Hat update needs picture

 I've started on my hat following the pattern and chart that finished.  I've done the grass, the hill and part of the lighthouse wit...