Monday, August 29, 2022

March 2010 Stitch & Pattern of the Month

March 2010 Stitch and  Pattern of the Month

The 2x2 Box Stitch


Sample                                                                                                        Pattern                                    


Size 8 knitting needles

1 ball Peaches & Crème Cotton Yarn

2 stitch markers

Multiple of 4 + 2 

Row 1: k2, *p2, k2*; rep from *
Row 2: p2, *
k2, p2*; rep from *
Row 3: Rep Row 2
Row 4: Rep Row 1

For Sample: Cast on 18 stitches

Follow rows 1 to 4 until square.

For Pattern: Cast on 32

Rows 1 – 4 :  Knit

Work rows 1 to 4 of stitch pattern, keeping the 1 and last 3 stitches in plain knitting. Work until square or desired length, then knit 4 rows. Fasten off, weave in the ends.

This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted. It is for your personal use only.




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