Thursday, November 6, 2014

Krissy's Hat day 3 and 4!

 Day 3 and 4 of Krissy's Mountain Laurel Tam 

Day 3, I have changed the pattern a bit, I"ve added three extra rows to the first color group, white, black, purple, white, blue, white, purple, black, then the white again, its in the ribbing, and then added another row of white between the rows of blue.

Day four, no problems with pattern, its an easy to follow charted pattern. I love this pattern.  Here I've again added more white, then the blue, white again, then stayed with the pattern following the deceases.

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New Flannel shirt

I needed a warmer shirt and  I love the color Lavender, so I found some matching flannel material at JoAnn's and had fun making this shi...