Friday, May 13, 2016

Tatted Edging # 4726

Tatted Edging # 4726
I ball each Flamingo and Yellow or colors of your choice

Shuttle and ball.

Wind Flamingo on shuttle and use Yellow for ball.

R, 8 ds. p,  8 ds, cl r, turn.

Ch, 5 ds, 4 p sep by 5 ds, 5 ds. join to p of r, 5 ds, turn.

*R, 2 ds, 8 p sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl r, turn.

Ch, 5 ds, turn.

R, 8 cls, p, 8 ds, cl r, turn.

Ch, 5 ds. join to 1 st free p of opposite ch, 5 ds. 3 p sep by 5 ds, 5 ds, join to p of small r, 5 ds, turn.

Repeat from * for length desired. Sew to item.


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crazy mug rugs

 Two more what I call crazy mug rugs, bigger at about 8 inches square, Christmas gifts this year. The backing and binding are the same.