Tuesday, March 15, 2022

March 2020 Pattern of the month Knit


At My House

March 2020 Pattern of the month Knit

                                  Penney's Knitted Tea Cozy ©2018 By N Banks


                     Large size


small size



1 pair circular knitting needle size 7 16 inches long

1 pair knitting needles size 7

2 markers

1 row counter

about 4oz of a worsted weight yarn

2 1 inch buttons that go with the yarn


Using the 7 circular needle, cast on for large 98 and for the small size 82

Rds 1 to 7:  k 1, p 1 around, join being careful not to twist stitches.

Divide for front and back, work across the first 48 for large size, the first 41 2nd.

Rw 1: k 3, place marker, inc 1 st 1 time only for small size, p 3, ( on all following rows p 4 ) and increase 2 stitches 1 time only for large size ( large size p 4)  * k 4, p 4,* repeat from * to * across row to last 3 stitches, place marker, k 3. turn   ( 50 stitches for large, 42 stitches for small)

Rw 2: k 3, slip marker, k 4, p 4, across to last 3 stitches, slip marker, k 3. Turn

Rw 3: k 3, slip marker, p 4, k 4, across to last 3 stitches, slip marker, k 3. Turn

Row 4: k 3, slip marker, k 4, p 4, across to last 3 stitches, slip marker, k 3. Turn

Row 5: k 3, slip marker, k 4, p 4, across to last 3 stitches, slip marker, k 3. Turn

Row 6: k 3, slip marker, p 4, k 4, across to last 3 stitches, slip marker, k 3. Turn

Row 7: k 3, slip marker, k 4, p 4, across to last 3 stitches, slip marker, k 3. Turn

Row 8: k 3, slip marker, p 4, k 4,  across to last 3 stitches, slip marker, k 3. Turn

Repeat these four rows 4 times for the large size, for the small size 3 times.

Front button row

Rows 1 to 3: k 1, p 1, turn

Row 4: k 1, p 1, twice, bind off next 3 stitches, k 1, p 1, across to the last 7 stitches,

bind off 3 stitches, k 1, p 1, twice, turn

Row 5:  k 1, p 1, twice, cast on 3 stitches, work across row to last 4 stitches, cast on 3, k 1, p 1, twice, turn

Rows 6 and 7: k 1, p 1, across row, turn.

Bind off after row 7.

Back, repeat as for front but leave out the button holes.

Sew buttons on, weave in the yarn ends.

This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted without permission. It is for your personal use only.



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