Thursday, May 4, 2023

September 2020 Pattern of the Month Machine Knit


September 2020 Pattern of the Month Machine Knit

 Two Color Baby Vest

in two sizes with sleeve option

© 2015  by N Banks


This is a cute, quick, easy to make sleeveless vest with a sleeve option for a 6 month and 12 month baby. Made in two colors using 2 ply baby yarn that you can get just about any where. No hem is used, so a ribber is not required. The neckline and bottom just roll up. This pattern is written for beginners. Vest shown above is the 6 month size. The one below is shown in the 12 month size. Both are worked from the top up. Add the easy to make sleeves for a change for winter.


One ball or skein 2 ply baby yarn in solid and

One ball or skein in a variegated to match your solid color. Or make them in two solid colors.

If you make both sizes, then you will need two skeins of the variegated yarn. I used Red Heart Baby Yarn in Baby Print for the variegated and Pastel Green for the solid color. Samples were made on a SK700. 4.5 m machine.


1. Pull 88 (96) needles to working position.

            6 mo.                        12 mo.

            88  Stitches              96 stitches.

            44 – 0- 44                48 – 0- 48


2. Starting on the 2nd needle on the left, push back every other needle to non working


  3.  Cast on with e-wrap, and variegated yarn. Set machine to basic knit. 

4. Ten 4, RC 0: Knit 

             6 rows               6 rows

     Don't forget to hang your weights and move them up.


5. COR. Pull all needles to working position.


6. Ten 4, with solid yarn, RC 0,    knit 

            10 rows            10 rows.


7. Attach variegated, cut solid yarn. Move           

     your weights up.


8. Ten 6. RC 0,    knit

            50 rows             58 rows.

 Place a yarn marker at each end of knitting.


 9. Ten 6 RC 0, COR, knit

           44 rows             52 rows.


10. Change to solid. Ten 4.0  COR.

   Starting on the 2nd needle on the left,  push back every other needle to non working position. You will have two  needles at the end on the right side in working position..


11. Knit 14 rows both sizes.


12. Ten 4, RC 0, Change to variegated and knit 4 rows. Bind off.


13. Make two alike. The top is the smaller, shorter solid trim. With right sides to-

      gether, sew from the bottom up to the yarn markers, these are the arm hole

      openings. If you are making it with the sleeves, do not crochet around them.


14. For shoulder seams, with main color sew  across the top beginning at the outside

      shoulder for two inches from the shoulder,  leaving the center open for the head.


15. Starting at underarms, with main color, single crochet around arm hole edges, then

      single crochet around neck and bottom of vest.



                    Arm hole edge


1. Pull 64 (66) needles to working position.

            6 mo.                        12 mo.

            72  Stitches              76 stitches.

            36 – 0- 36                38 – 0- 38


Starting on the 2nd needle on the left, push back every other needle to non working position. See Diagram at 2 above.


2. Cast on with e-wrap, and variegated yarn. Set machine to basic knit. See

   diagram at 3 above.


3. Ten 4, RC 0: Knit 

             6 rows               6 rows

     Don't forget to hang your weights and move them up.


4. COR. Pull all needles to working position.


5. Ten 4, with solid yarn, RC 0,    knit 

            10 rows            10 rows.


6. Ten 6. RC 0,    knit

            78 rows             92 rows.


7. Bind off, make two alike.



1. Fold sleeve in half, and at the top, mark the center with a pin. With right sides facing,

    pin the center of sleeve to the center at the shoulder, pin sleeve to armhole opening.


2. Pin sides together at opening, under sleeves. See picture below.




3. Sew seams together, then sew the sleeve to  the cuff together.


  This pattern is copyrighted, and may not be used on any media, including websites, lists, newsletters, nor sold, recopied or reformatted without permission. It is for your personal use only.






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